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The project "LJP 3.0" aims to organize activities to strengthen youth NGOs'' role in Latvian society. The project will include media campaign to promote the visibility and public image of youth organizations; advocacy activities, achieving a favorable environment for the actions of youth NGO`s; meeting with local governments in Latvia, providing recommendations for supporting the youth work and youth NGOs; think tanks in the regions of Latvia, promoting youth activism and involvement in youth NGO`s, as well as organized training for the organization`s member organizations.
While decision-making seems to become more open to society, opaque decision-making is still seen that ignores or abandons civil society''s views. This negative experience is also felt by young people and youth organizations, which is why with this project we want to promote the role of the youth sector in society, promote youth growth, understand the importance of participation and involvement in decision-making processes, to highlight the role of youth in tackling the challenges that arise.
We expect that the project will promote the visibility of youth field and organizations in Latvian society, and decisions affecting the youth field will be influenced, thereby creating a more favorable environment for youth organizations in Latvia. More young people will be educated on the opportunities offered by youth activists and youth organizations, thereby contributing to their involvement in civil society activities.
The project target group is comprehensive: society, local and national decision-makers, youth organizations, and young people. Youth organizations and young people will benefit most directly from the implementation of the project, as we anticipate that youth decisions will be affected during the project.
Summary of project results
In Latvia, many challenges in the youth sector are linked to a lack of understanding - often the value of a youth organisation''s "brand" is only truly understood by those who work in the organisation or with young people on a daily basis. The project promoter also recognises that the importance of youth policy and youth organisations is often not understood by decision-makers or society at large. This in turn hinders young people''s access to the support, knowledge and skills they need and the development of the field as a whole.
Therefore, a set of activities working in advocacy and with youth leaders was carried out. Key changes achieved during the project were: youth work as an autonomous function included in the Law on Local Governments; advisory support provided to local authorities in organising youth work; a broad campaign managed to "raise awareness" on the potential of youth work, low funding and other problems; youth NGOs involved in the aftermath of Covid-19 through the creation of a specific support programme for NGOs; a major study on the support instruments available to youth NGOs and capacity building needs conducted; youth leaders strengthened, motivated and encouraged.
As a result of the project certain improvements are seen: young people have gained confidence in their ability to influence decision-making processes, have engaged in civic activities, identifying local challenges and finding solutions, and publicly expressing their opinions; CSO representatives involved in decision-making processes, provided with an opportunity and platform for further involvement; cooperation and communication between decision-makers, youth representatives and youth organisations facilitated in 20 municipalities; 8 laws and policy initiatives influenced.
The project succeeded in raising public and decision-makers'' awareness of the work of youth NGOs and its importance, increasing the funding available for the youth sector, and promoting young people''s civic activism. The project results will serve as a long-term input for the next steps in the development of youth NGOs and the sector in Latvia.