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SINTEF Industry (Norway) - one of the most experienced institutions with the greatest scientific potential, providing industrial production consulting and pilot production projects in Europe. The activities of this non-profit institution are focused on innovative, high added value industries, in the fields of batteries, biotechnology, advanced materials and others.
Added value of partnership: in an innovative fermentation line developed by Nando, with a particularly high level of automation, it is very important to determine necessary controls, their operating parameters and production procedures (protocols) in order to increase production productivity (the amount of biomass produced during the same fermentation cycle). Fed-batch fermentation is particularly relevant, in which this partner has extensive experience and can provide knowledge that the applicant does not currently have. This knowledge will prevent mistakes and inappropriate decisions during the equipment design and installation phase. The partner''s motivation to participate in the project is long-term cooperation and additional pilot projects/consulting services.
Summary of project results
Due to the rapid growth of the demand for microbiological products that can replace mineral fertilizers and plant protection products in agriculture and the expansion of the export geography, the company invested in a unique biotechnology line. This investment increased existing production volumes, productivity and maintained competitive product prices to meet growing market needs.
A cascade bioreactor system with a particularly high level of automation was implemented with cultivation (up-stream) and purification (down-stream) stages. The system applied solutions that are usually only applied in the pharmaceutical industry and are unique in the field of agricultural production - this is full process automation, fed-batch cultivation and purification (stabilization by encapsulating spores in powder form).
By installing new production capacities, company increased the added value created by the biotechnology sector in Lithuania and contributed to the faster development of sustainable and economically beneficial technologies in the agriculture of Europe and other continents. The industrial biotechnology line, featuring a unique microorganism purification technology, is unique not only in Lithuania, but also in the Baltic countries. The technology makes it possible to make the production of microbiological products of high performance and high stability of the powdered fraction more efficient.
Summary of bilateral results
By cooperating with the Norwegian Research Institute Together with partners, experiments on the technology of cultivation of microorganisms were carried out in order to extract as much biomass as possible at the end of fermentation. The partner SINTEF Industry is one of the most experienced institutions with the greatest scientific potential, providing industrial production consulting and pilot production projects in Europe. In the innovative industrial fermentation line, with a particularly high level of automation, it was very important to determine the necessary controls, their operating parameters and production procedures (protocols) in order to increase production productivity (the amount of biomass produced during the same fermentation cycle), precisely these goals are set during the partnership.