PDP #1: Monitoring of marine litter

Project facts

Project promoter:
Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania(LT)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The objective of the project is to develop methodological guidelines for marine litter, including microlitter, monitoring and carry out evaluations and assessments based on the methodologies prepared through the project.

The project includes:

  • At least 3 methodologies for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of marine litter including microplastics in water column, sediments and transitional waters zones will be developed.  These would also include identification of the sources of the litter;
  • Using the above-mentioned methodologies, baseline data on actual amounts of the macro- and micro-litter emission to the Baltic Sea from sources on Lithuanian soil will be assembled;
  • At least 7 different entry pathways of litter from Lithuanian coast will be investigated: 4 wastewater treatment plants, 2 surface wastewater systems and 1 surface water body.

Project benefit

The expected outcome of the project is to create capacity at Environmental Protection Agency to identify and monitor environmental pressures caused by marine litter, including microplastics. The methodologies of mapping and monitoring of the microplastics and other marine litter would serve as a basis for creation of a database that would permit to compare and analyse data, to forecast the trends and enable scientifically-based decision making on response measures. It is expected that project will serve as a basis for inclusion of marine litter monitoring into the National Environmental Monitoring Programme.

The project forms an important of the Lithuanian government''s efforts for compliance with the EU Marine Strategic Framework Directive. The project will contribute to an increased understanding of the ecological consequences of marine littering in Lithuanian waters as well as their sources and location.

Target groups of the project:  Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania.

Summary of project results

Lithuania up to now has no official monitoring program for marine litter. The assessment of the current status of marine litter relies on the coastline and seabed surveys. The Klaipeda University has implemented several projects which addressed litter on the coast and that floating in water. Nevertheless, there is still no representative knowledge on marine litter, including microplastics, in the water column and the seabed sediment. One has to fill the knowledge gaps on properties, quantities and possibly pollution routes of litter from their sources to the Baltic Sea.

The objective of the project is to develop methodological guidelines for marine litter, including microlitter, monitoring and carry out evaluations and assessments based on the methodologies prepared through the project.

The project includes:

  • At least 3 methodologies for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of marine litter including microplastics in water column, sediments and transitional waters zones will be developed.  These would also include identification of the sources of the litter;
  • Using the above-mentioned methodologies, baseline data on actual amounts of the macro- and micro-litter emission to the Baltic Sea from sources on Lithuanian soil will be assembled;
  • At least 7 different entry pathways of litter from Lithuanian coast will be investigated: 4 wastewater treatment plants, 2 surface wastewater systems and 1 surface water body.
  • Study and evaluation to strengthen the National Monitoring Program was prepared.
  • Methodological guidelines for marine litter monitoring were prepared (3 guidelines).
  • Number of marine litter emission pathways surveyed (28 places instead of 7 planned in the project).
  • Baseline data on macro- and micro-litter emission to the Baltic Sea from Lithuanian sources collected.
  • Project output indicator „Number of supported measures“ was achieved - the project contributed to the implementation of measure 11.2 of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Water Sector Development Programme 2017-2023, "to carry out a study of marine pollution by waste in order to determine the amounts, sources, nature and other important characteristics of marine waste," as well as to the implementation of measure 11.3, "to organize information campaigns (including international campaigns) about marine pollution by waste and the threats they pose."

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.