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Problem: CSOs currently do not have free full access to public data in state registers, such as the company register maintained by the Center of Registers. This is the case despite CSOs acting in public interest, participating in decision-making processes, submitting proposals to state institutions, and sharing their research and recommendations publicly for free. The EU Court of Justice has ruled that both journalists and CSOs have a legitimate interest in free access to such data.
Solution: Create a CSO advocacy coalition to develop a regulatory model outlining the eligibility of CSOs for data access, purposes, criteria, and submit it to national authorities while sharing relevant information publicly.
Planned results: (1) stronger evidence-based advocacy by TI Lithuania and other CSOs, involving the monitoring of public sector institutions using primary data; (2) more active defense of the public interest; (3) created conditions for more active participation of citizens in civic activities.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to ensure free access to public data for civil society organizations (CSOs). Up until now, in Lithuania, CSOs have not had free full access to public data in state registers, such as the company register maintained by the Center of Registers. This has been the case despite CSOs acting in the public interest, participating in decision-making processes, submitting proposals to state institutions, and sharing their research and recommendations publicly for free.
Transparency International Lithuania (TI Lithuania) created an informal CSO advocacy coalition and developed a regulatory model outlining the eligibility criteria for CSOs to access data, its purposes, and criteria. TI Lithuania submitted it to the Center of Registers while also sharing relevant information publicly: Additionally, TI Lithuania prepared a set of necessary amendments to Lithuanian laws and other legal acts (10 legal acts in total) to grant CSOs the same access to free public data that journalists currently have in Lithuania
TI Lithuania hopes to continue using these materials to further advocate for access to data. Finally, during the project, TI Lithuania promoted the conversation about the importance of data openness in Lithuania by communicating with coalition partners, other non-governmental organizations, public sector representatives, and also strengthened its knowledge in this field during meetings with foreign experts.