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The project partners will assess Lithuania''s progress in implementing the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in the context of a long-term monitoring of the situation of human rights and vulnerable groups in Lithuania. Based on the assessment results, the NGOs will prepare a thematic Shadow report and implement the following evidence-based advocacy activities:
- report will be publicized on social media, presenting the human rights situation in Lithuania, and will be sent to the responsible national authorities, and a discussion will be initiated on the report with the responsible Lithuanian institutions;
- report will be presented internationally to the Committee in Geneva.
Through the project''s activities, NGOs will seek to influence positive changes in social policy at the national level, ensure the constructive participation of social partners in policy debates, and to promote a political culture of dialogue and cooperation.
Summary of project results
The project aims to assess implementation and assurance of obligations under international law of Lithuania, to assess the implementation of international and national norms and standards, to reveal the violation of human rights that encouraged the occurrence of these events.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), accomplished the monitoring of the implementation of human rights in society, revealing human violations, promoting the accountability of responsible institutions. The purpose of the prepared report is to check and evaluate human right standards recognition in Lithuania and the compliance of obligations of the responsible institutions. Target group of the project - national and municipal level social policy makers, media representatives - working in the areas of human rights, health, social security, etc
The result of the project is the preparation of a report covering the results of vulnerable groups of people in Lithuania, based on economic, social and cultural indicators. The recommendations presented by the Committee were received, and a joint discussion was held with representatives of NGOs and relevant Lithuanian institutions.