When the door closes, the window opens

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association “Let’s communicate“(LT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Office of Social Services of Mažeikiai District(LT)


The project "When the door closes, the window opens" is intended for the elderly (from the age of 65). Analyzing the provision of social services to the elderly in Mažeikiai municipality, it can be seen that formal and paid social services provide only the most basic needs, but do not sufficiently meet their emotional needs. According to the data available, about 30% of older people receiving home help services feel lonely, 60% of older people do not take part in any activity due to their reduced mobility, spend their free time at home, and only 10% of older people use smart technology to communicate with relatives and friends. According to the partner''s social work organizer and visiting care workers visit the recipients from 2 to 5 times a week for 2 hours. Visiting care staff strives to do the essential work within 2 hours and there is no time for quality communication. To meet the communication and emotional support needs of the elderly, the project envisages the provision of day occupation services to the elderly in a hybrid way. When organizing activities, a social worker will apply: music therapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, game therapy, fine motor skills classes, and physical exercises. Recipients of the service will be able to participate in the activities directly and online remotely. Older people who do not know how to use smartphones or tablets will have the opportunity to learn how to use them and their new skills will be developed. Recipients will be trained to search for information, follow the news, connect with relatives or friends, get involved in activities. The new skills and knowledge are expected to encourage older people to expand communication and occupation opportunities at home even after the project is over. 

Summary of project results

During the execution of the project, the aim was to satisfy the need for communication and emotional support of the elderly. During the project, daily employment services for the elderly were provided in a hybrid way. 

The recipients of the service could participate in the activities directly and by connecting remotely. Elderly people who did not know how to use smartphones or tablets had the opportunity to learn how to use them, new skills were developed. The project''s target group was taught to search for information of interest to them, follow the news, contact relatives or friends, get involved in activities organized remotely.

The goal of the project "When the door closes, the window opens" - to provide daily employment services by contact and remote means for the elderly, focused on quality communication, improvement of emotional and mental health, and meaningful leisure time employment was achieved. Improving the accessibility of social services to residents of Mažeikiai city and district with the help of smart technologies. The project was implemented successfully, the project indicators were achieved, this was determined by the raising of an actual problem and the choice of a suitable partner for the implementation of the project.  This contributed to solving the current social problem - loneliness. The project was intended for the elderly (from 65 years old). This age group was chosen taking into account the fact that the need for communication, employment (in a person''s home), and communality becomes more and more apparent when providing home assistance services to residents in the district.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.