Collaborative and Engaging Critical Thinking Lab

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Social Integration Institute(LT)
Project Number:
In implementation
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The project "Collaborative & Engaging Critical Thinking Lab" aims to strengthen human rights-respecting public discourse by fostering critical thinking in the field of human rights among the project''s target groups - the undecided and young people - by raising their awareness and resistance to disinformation and hate speech. Positive human rights discourse will be brought to the fore by applying the principle of inclusiveness and by organizing joint meetings and workshops for target group representatives, journalists, and human rights experts in 10 regions of Lithuania. The jointly developed stories based on concrete examples will highlight the importance of human rights, the consequences of human rights violations, and the impact of human rights violations on our daily lives, and, through integration with various media and other means of communication, will be transformed into multi-media stories that will reach thousands of people in Lithuania through a social media campaign. The communication campaign will use inclusive tools to encourage people to think about human rights from a personal perspective (e.g. "Editorial on Wheels", "Living Library" etc.). The principle of inclusiveness will help to achieve an increase of at least 15% of the target group that does not accept public statements expressing negative attitudes or hatred towards vulnerable groups. In addition, the impact of the campaign will be reinforced through peer education: 50 young peer educators empowered in human rights education will multiply their experience in their regions, involving 750 people through ongoing human rights education activities. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.