Next Small Step

Project facts

Project promoter:
NGO “Actio Catholica Patria”(LT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Participation Agency(NO)
Other Project Partners


Project “Next Small Step” addresses the societal gap between more autonomous and socially vulnerable young people who, due to lack of skills, are excluded from full and equal participation in the community by not recognizing their needs and stigmatizing them, as well as turning them into objects in the media and everyday life. The project will involve 150 socially vulnerable young people aged 14-29. As part of the overall goals of the APF program, the project will first and foremost contribute to empowering vulnerable young people to become independent, recognize their own and their community''s needs, and take the responsibility for representing them. 

In addition to the usual social services, young people will be encouraged to become more aware of needs of the community and take responsibility for their own initiatives, participate in events inviting other young people to engage, raise topics of interest to them in working groups and policy meetings, and volunteer in other organizations. Due to the trainings, strengthened AC Patria and youth team will provide training for other youth professionals, empowering youngsters to be co-trainer.  The change of roles will empower youth as well as other professionals participating in the trainings to experience different relation of power.

Summary of project results

The project "The next small step" addressed the societal gap between more independent and socially vulnerable youngsters, who, due to a lack of skills, are excluded from full and equal participation in the community.

The project included 570 youngsters aged 14 to 29 (450 socially vulnerable) and 75 specialists working with youth. 211 young people were involved in individual counseling, 108 went on camps and 52 were accompanied to institutions. 72 youngsters got involved in 140 their created initiatives, 5 trainings and 40 presentations. Young people were empowered to be independent, to take care of themselves, to recognize their own needs and those of their community, and to take responsibility for representing them. All this was achieved during these activities:

1. Information and referral. One-off targeting of young people via information or referral on issues of concern to them (volunteering, education programmes, necessary etc.)

2. Developing social skills using Functional counselling. It was sequential activities that took place in an unstructured space, the worker did something together with the client. Counselling took place not necessarily in the office and was creating a safe environment for young people where it is easier for young people to to share their painful or relevant issues, where they need support here and now.

3. Mediation and mentoring.  Young people were accompaniment to educational, health institutions, municipality, talking with employers, etc.

4. Continuing support group for young people experiencing social exclusion or challenges. During the group sessions, the young people learned to be more present in the group, improved their social skills and their ability to solve problems conflict resolution. 

5. Open evenings for young people. During Open Evenings, young people got involved in the following activities: 
board games, movie nights, cooking, outdoor activities, a workshop on the creation of a new space in the centre, French language and computer game development classes, gallery visits and other group activities, organising birthday parties, debates, focus groups, trip planning.

6. Away training for young people. They included communication, conflict resolution skills for young people, skills for cooking, financial planning, decision-making, physical activity, consensus, independence and self-awareness skills. 

Other acitivities also were youngsters initiatives, Visits to institutions and this project''s presentation activities to peers, attending events and volunteering, involvement in working groups and into trainings which are held for professionals

570 youngsters aged 14 to 29 (450 socially vulnerable) and 75 specialists working with youth. 211 young people were involved in individual counseling, 108 went on camps and 52 were accompanied to institutions. 72 youngsters got involved in 140 their created initiatives, 5 trainings and 40 presentations. Young people were empowered to be independent, to take care of themselves, to recognize their own needs and those of their community, and to take responsibility for representing them. 

Summary of bilateral results

Strategic training with partners from Norway (organization MEDVIRKNINGSAGENTENE) was implemented. A multi-day training session was held, during which the team took time to clarify the organisation''s values, overall direction and a 3-year action plan. The partners are still consulting the organisation remotely to ensure that the strategic plan and the activities with young people are implemented. It is appreciated that the shared experiences in the partner''s country context have opened the eyes of the project promoter, provided inspiration and advice to help them achieve their goals more effectively. And the friendship has moved from training to practical work with young people. During and after the project, the trainer (from the partner from Norway) helped set up a music room in the space of the Open Youth Centre "Vartai" of the NGO "Actio Catholica Patria". In the future, the aim is to gain more experience in communication and formulating a clear message about the organisation''s work within the organisation and sending it to the public.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.