Inconvenient Films Class: Inspiring Systematic Change

Project facts

Project promoter:
Public Enterprise “Inconvenient Films”(LT)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Public Enterprise “The Centre for School Improvement”(LT)

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Lithuanian society suffers from low-level of civic participation, lack of solidarity and trust among society members. Civic education, supposedly an integral part of school’s curriculum, has not delivered in 30 years. Most of the civic education initiatives were carried out on a short-term project basis and have not achieved a systemic effect. Up until the present day the quality of civic education depends entirely on the motivation and qualification of each teacher.

Unfortunately, the same can be said about the online educational VOD platform “Inconvenient Films Class” (, which was founded by the applicant in 2016. Though it has a substantial educational material and almost 2000 registered users (teachers), the lack of resources do not allow to implement quality control of its practical use, teachers are left on their own and cannot receive human rights and media literacy training, which is essential in using film as an instrument for civic and human rights education. Thus, the platform fails to realize its full potential on structural level. Systematic changes can only take place when contemporary methods are used by motivated and qualified educators, inspiring civic activism among pupils.

The project “Inconvenient Films Class: Inspiring Systematic Change” aims to utilize existing VOD platform, converting it into a fully accredited programme for the development of professional qualification of teachers. A pilot group of 60 teachers from various regions of Lithuanian will receive a 40 hrs. long certified training, combining civic education, human rights and media literacy knowledge. Moreover, each teacher will also be given assistance (both by mentors and by 40 project volunteers), identifying social issues on class, community or town (country) level and taking practical steps in addressing those issues. Thus at least 1200 teachers and 60 teachers will engage into a voluntary civic activity, addressing issues, which they find important.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.