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This project will contribute creating an emotionally safe and sustainable society for Lithuanian children and adolescents. This project will contribute achieving the general objectives of the ACF - to strengthen civil society and active citizenship and empower vulnerable groups. The project is addressed to achieve the ACF Program Outcome 1. Increased citizen participation in civic activities.
The main challenges of the chosen outcome area are:
- Insufficient number of “Child line’s” volunteers.
- Decreasing motivation of present volunteers.
The main objectives of the project are:
- to recruit sufficient number of new volunteers.
- to increase motivation of present volunteers.
Target groups of this project: TG1 - proactive civils (potential “Child line''s” volunteers) – businessmen, influencers, media representatives; TG2 - parents, teachers, educators etc. TG3 – current volunteers and supervisors; TG4 – potential financial supporters and donators.
Expected outcomes of this project:
- implementing 2 awareness-rising campaigns will attract 200 candidates for volunteers.
- after implementing 1 awareness-rising campaign 1,2% of income tax donations will increase 10 %.
- strengthened motivation of current volunteers by implementing 2 motivation volunteers'' trainings (total number of participants 340 volunteers), 2 motivation supervisors (volunteers – volunteers'' teachers) trainings (40 volunteers will be trained).
Summary of project results
This project aimed to address to main challenges:
- Insufficient number of „Child line’s" volunteers.
- Decreasing motivation of present volunteers.
The main objectives of the project were:
- Recruit sufficient number of new volunteers.
- To increase motivation of present volunteers
The following activities were implemented during the project:
1. 3 awareness raising campaigns were successfully implemented.
2. 939 citizens expressed their desire to become VL volunteers.
3. Support for VL activities was encouraged by allocating 1.2 GPM.
4. Organized 2 motivation and qualification raising seminars for VL volunteers.
5. 369 volunteers raised their motivation and qualifications.
6. Organized 2 motivation and qualification raising seminars for VL supervisors (volunteers - volunteer teachers);
7. 105 supervisors improved their motivation and qualifications.
8. Organized 6 meetings/lectures with volunteers.
Increased public awareness of VL.
Outcomes of this project:
- implementing 2 awareness-rising campaigns which attracted 488 candidates for volunteers.
- after implementing 1 awareness-rising campaign 1,2% of income tax donations increased 63 %.
- strengthened motivation of current volunteers by implementing 2 motivation volunteers'' trainings (total number of participants were 363 volunteers), 2 motivation supervisors (volunteers – volunteers'' teachers) trainings (105 volunteers trained).
Summary of bilateral results
During the project, collaborative efforts were undertaken with an NGO from the donor country, Kors på halsen (Norway). This organization operates as Norway''s Children''s Line, offering emotional support to children and teenagers via phone and online platforms. Throughout the project''s implementation period, our Norwegian counterparts visited Lithuania on four occasions. Joint workshops were convened twice, facilitating the exchange of insights, the sharing of challenges, and discussions regarding operational specifics. As a result of this cooperation, Child Line made changes and introduced innovations: for example, the number of hours on duty was shortened from 300 to 200 hours. The Advisory Board of the Child Line has been established and is functioning successfully. The Advisory Board members - teenagers from all over Lithuania provide their assessment and suggestions on various issues relevant to the organization.