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Through the project, permanent implementation of electronic monitoring will be conducted through the rental of 150 radio-frequency bracelets with associated servers, software and technical support. Infrastructure will be upgraded in existing probation offices, resulting in improved material and technical working conditions of the Probation service. Also, new vehicles will be purchased for probation offices, Central office and Electronic monitoring centre. In the scope of Component 3 Scientific Validation of the Risk Assessment System (RAS) and its adjustment will be completed. Last component will consist of analysis of the needs and possibilities for improving cooperation between prison and probation system, periodic meetings between prison and probation staff on national and regional level, common trainings for prison and probation staff and Pilot project of strengthening cooperation between prison and probation system.
The overall objective: Improving correctional services
The specific objectives:
- Implementation of electronic monitoring in the Republic of Croatia
- Upgrading Probation service’s material and technical working conditions
- Improving tools for the enforcement of correctional measures and sentences
- Strengthening cooperation between prison and probation system
- Supporting bilateral cooperation between donor and beneficiary State entities
Summary of project results
This project was aimed at strengthening the internal capacities of the probation service in Croatia through raising the knowledge and competences of probation staff, but also stronger affiliation and cooperation with the prison system.
Important part of the project was the permanent introduction of the electronic monitoring system of the offenders by using electronic bracelets for monitoring of their movements and having the monitoring center for this system in place.
Scientific validation of the used Risk Assessment System (RAS) has been done among other activities in order to improve the tools for the enforcement of correctional measures and sentences. This means that the probation office prepares an assessment on the criminogenic risks and necessary treatments for each offender.
Material and working conditions of the probation offices were also improved through investments in premises and equipment used by probation staff.
The project introduced electronic monitoring system in the Republic of Croatia of the offenders - electronic monitoring center was set up and 200 bracelets/anklets procured. As an important factor to encourage the use of such monitoring system is that the Bylaw on pretrial detention in a home with electronic monitoring was adopted in January 2024, which provides legal prerequisites for the execution of pretrial detention in a home which will open more possibilities for judges to use alternative sanctions to prison and to efficiently monitor the offenders. 349 probation and prison staff, but also judges, prosecutors, police and other relevant stakeholders were trained in electronic surveillance of offenders.
Probation service has improved its material and technical working conditions and tools for the enforcement of correctional measures and sentences.
Scientific validation of the Risk Assessment Tool (used for assessing the risk of perpetrators of criminal offenses) was carried out and its adjustment completed. New tool for working with sexual offenders was created together with the Manual for it''s usage in practice. Probation employees have been trained to use the above-mentioned instruments in their work.
A lot has been done on strengthening cooperation between prison and probation system. Level of perceived quality of cooperation between prison and probation staff was raised as the results of the joint meetings and educational activities conducted mutually by both segments of the penal system in Croatia.
The achieved results contribute to a more efficient penal system, improve the capacities of the probation service, which leads to a better quality rehabilitation process for offenders and contributes to the safety of the community in the long term.
Summary of bilateral results
Synergy between Croatian probation service and Norwegian Correctional Service in this project is exemplary of quality bilateral cooperation. Job shadowing with DPP and other countries was successful in upgrading capacities of the Croatian probation service. Most importantly, the project has set the foundation for affirmation of electronic monitoring in the correctional system. Moreover, material and tehnical working conditions of probation service were highly improved. Improvements were also achieved in empowering the cooperation between probation and prison system.