Going bio: Investment in new production equipment to develop greener product

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kristalna ideja d.o.o.(HR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


Kristalna Ideja ltd. was established in 2013 with the main purpose of identifying, researching and developing solutions that significantly contribute to the quality of life by reducing environmental pollutants. The primary focus is analysing, supervising, and acting on air pollution threats. In 2018 the company developed innovative modular iTherapy® interior air purification technology which became our base for existing products. Encouraged by success, in 2021, the company started to develop technology for ambient air purification to achieve full air management cycle control. The next step for the company is to implement green technology into production and business management. 

Currently the company is using plastic casing from abroad for its air purifiers. The intention is to transfer casing production system into company’s premises and switch to bio-based 3D printed design to minimize waste and increase production efficiency. By implementing this project, air purifiers will not only purify air, but will be able to be recycled, reused, and redesigned – minimizing waste.

Investment in 3D printing equipment will lead to implementation of new technologies and will increase the competitiveness of the company. It will also differentiate and expand company’s product portfolio on the market, which will lead to increased revenue and profit for the company. It is expected that the implementation of the new 3D printing system will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and since the implementation of the project is expected to increase the volume of work, it is planned to employ more people.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.