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The need to rely on domestic resources and reduce dependence on energy imports has come to the fore, including energy production from RES and the obligation to meet the European Green Deal as a center of economic recovery after the pandemic, as clean renewable energy has been identified as a tool for economic, environmental and social progress in the EU.The objective of this project is therefore to increase the installed capacity for the use of solar energy at 12 educational institutions in Varaždin County by installing photovoltaic power plants, strengthen the capacity for management and promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) and contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and increased security of electricity supply. Planned results of the project are: estimated annual production from solar energy: 361.631 Mwh /a, estimated reduction of annual CO2 emissions: 57.3546 tons and installed capacity for solar energy production: 0.3 MW.
The target groups and final beneficiaries of this project are the users of buildings, i.e employees, pupils and students in institutions of primary and secondary education, parents, employees of Varaždin County and the general public. School employees and students will be involved in the project as a target group of information and communication activities, i.e. capacity building for the promotion of renewable energy sources through the participation of school and Varaždin County employees in 3 workshops for dissemination of project results. The added value of the investment is indisputable for both schools and Varaždin County, because after putting into operation of their own power plants, schools will have clean and safe energy at their disposal, thus contributing to the green transition of the region.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to increase the installed capacity for the use of solar energy at 12 educational institutions in Varaždin County by installing photovoltaic power plants, strengthen the capacity for the management and promotion of renewable energy sources (RES), and contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and increased security of electricity supply.
The applicant Varaždin County has included the buildings of 12 educational institutions throughout Varaždin County, of which it is the founder, in the project as pilot locations. The listed institutions are attended by approx. 6000 students.
These are in order: 1. Elementary School Grofa Janko Draškovića Klenovnik, 2. Elementary School Gustav Krklec Maruševec, 3. Elementary School Ivan Kukuljevića Sakcinski Ivanec, 4. Elementary School Ludbreg, 5. Elementary School Petrijanec, 6. Elementary School Sveti Đurđ, 7. Elementary School Trnovec, 8. Elementary School Vinica, 9. Electrical Engineering School Varaždin, 10. Economics School Varaždin, 11. Elementary School Sračinec, 12. Mechanical and Traffic School Varaždin.
The added value of the investment is indisputable for both schools and the Varaždin County, because after putting into operation of their own power plants schools have clean and safe energy at their disposal, thus contributing to the green transition of the region. At the same time, funds originally intended for overheads will be redirected to new development projects.
Activity 1: Increasing the installed capacity for solar energy production.
At a total of 8 locations (elementary schools in Klenovnik, Maruševac, Ivanec, Ludbreg, Petrijanac, Sveti Đurđe, Trnovac and Vinica) the construction of new photovoltaic power plants for self-consumption of 25 kW was carried out, while at the 4 remaining locations (Electrical Engineering School, Economics School Varaždin, Elementary School Sračinec, Mechanical Engineering and Traffic School Varaždin) the upgrade of existing photovoltaic power plants for self-consumption was carried out, i.e. the increase of existing capacities from 10 kW to 35 kW.
The interventions at all pilot locations included works on electrical installations, i.e. the installation of cell voltage modules fixed to the substructure on the roofs of the buildings in question, the installation of connection measuring and other necessary equipment, the necessary measurements and tests and commissioning. For all 12 pilot projects, project and technical documentation (Conceptual and Main Projects, Static Analyses) was prepared and Electrical Power Approvals were obtained. The activity also included the preparation and implementation of the procurement procedure.
- Activity 2: Expert Supervision.
The implementation of expert supervision activities during the installation of solar power plants ensured their execution in accordance with the project and technical documentation, especially the main project, laws, special regulations and professional rules. Experts with appropriate capacities and references were contracted to carry out this activity.
The implementation of the activity ensured the execution of works on the installation of the power plants in accordance with the interventions defined in the main project, thus creating the conditions for achieving the planned project results, which are the estimated annual MWh production from solar energy: 361.631 Mwh/year, the estimated reduction of annual CO2 emissions (in tons): 57.3546 tons and the installed capacity for solar energy production: 0.3 MW. The activity also included the preparation and implementation of the procurement procedure.
- Project Management.
The activity entailed the implementation of the project in accordance with the Application Form, the Grant Agreement, the rules of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the "Energy and Climate Change" Programme, as well as applicable legislation and professional rules. A project team was formed. It consisted of a project manager/coordinator of information and communication activities, a project administrator, a technical coordinator and a public procurement expert.
- Information and communication.
The activity included information and communication activities with the aim of ensuring the visibility and accessibility of project information to all relevant stakeholders. The duration of the activity was planned for the entire implementation of the project. The project manager of the project holder was the coordinator of these activities planned in the visibility, communication and promotion segment, engaged in the tasks of preparing and ensuring the implementation of all information, communication and visibility measures in the project. After signing the Grant Agreement, the preparation and implementation of the activities began.
Contribution to the outcome 2: Increased energy production from renewable sources.
The project contributed to the achievement of the outcome by implementing the activities of procurement of works and installation of 8 new photovoltaic power plants and upgrading (i.e. increasing the capacity) of 4 photovoltaic power plants, and putting the aforementioned power plants into operation. An expert supervision activity was carried out, the task of which was to ensure that all works were in accordance with applicable laws and professional rules. The implemented measures achieved an annual MWh production from solar energy of 361,631 Mwh/a and reduced annual CO2 emissions by 57.35 tons. This contributed to the increase in energy production from RES in Varaždin County, but also in the Republic of Croatia.
Contribution to immediate results - Indirect result 2.1: Installed capacities for the use of energy from renewable sources.
The implementation of project activities to increase the installed capacities for solar energy production, i.e. the implementation of 12 pilot projects for the installation and commissioning of systems dealing with the production of electricity from solar energy, resulted in 0.3 MW of new capacities, namely the construction of 8 new photovoltaic power plants with a capacity of 25 kW and the upgrade of 4 photovoltaic power plants from a capacity of 10 kW to 35 kW, as well as the implementation of professional supervision activities whose task is to ensure that all works are in accordance with applicable laws and professional rules.
Indirect result 2.2: Strengthened capacities for the management and promotion of renewable energy sources.
3 workshops were held to disseminate the results and promote renewable energy sources for users of the buildings covered by the project, representatives of the applicants and other interested public. The workshops were held by an external expert/lecturer with knowledge in the field of RES. Workshop participants (3 different topics) strengthened their knowledge about the advantages of using RES and can use them in their daily work. Students attending these schools were given working materials in the form of worksheets and brochures adapted to their age (for higher and lower grades) with the aim of raising awareness from an early age about the advantages of using RES.