Increasing the capacity for solar energy production on public buildings of the municipality of Medulin

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipality of Medulin(HR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Other Project Partners
Utility company Albanež d.o.o.(HR)
Utility company Med eco service d.o.o.(HR)


THE MAIN PROBLEM addressed by this project is the lack of capacity of the Municipality of Medulin as an applicant, and the company Med eko servis d.o.o. and Albanež d.o.o. as project partners, for the production of solar energy, which will be solved by achieving the SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE of the project, i.e. by increasing the capacity for the production of solar energy in the municipality of Medulin.
The project will install 7 photovoltaic power stations, i.e. implement 7 pilot projects that will consequently ensure an increase in solar energy production by 330,42 MWh /year and a reduction in annual CO2 emissions by 52,41 tons. 
This will contribute to solving the general project problem of using technologies with increased carbon emissions and insufficient level of security of energy supply in the Republic of Croatia and achieving the overall goal of the project, i.e. contribute to increasing solar energy production in the Republic of Croatia.
TARGET GROUPS are the Municipality of Medulin, Med eko servis d.o.o., Albanež d.o.o. and their employees as well as partners from the donor country - Åpenhet AS.
Total project value is 408.109,80 EUR, and the estimated duration of the project is 24 months.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.