RIGHT application

Project facts

Project promoter:
Nansen Dialogue Centre Osijek(HR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Aretta Junior High School(NO)
Other Project Partners
Centre for Civic Initiatives Poreč(HR)
Centre for Social Development
Research and Innovation - INOVA(HR)
DKolektiv - an organization for social development(HR)
Industrial and Craft School Pula(HR)
Nikola Tesla Technical School Vukovar(HR)
Ruđer Bošković Technical School and Science High School Osijek(HR)
Secondary Schoolof Tourism and Caterring Anton Stifanic

More information


The basis of civic literacy is knowledge about human rights and their realization, and the analysis of the curriculum of 11 subjects and 7 interdisciplinary topics (Bajkuša, 2019) found that the human-legal dimension of GOO is underrepresented in relation to other dimensions. The research of political literacy of high school graduates in the Republic of Croatia (Baketa, Bovan and Matić Bojić, 2021) shows that the type of secondary school program is still a key factor for political knowledge and information and political socialization of young people, where in relation to high school students, students of vocational schools have less developed competences. Students from Istria and eastern Croatia come from multicultural and smaller, rural areas, and in the case of eastern Croatia from socially deprived areas. It is necessary to make additional efforts in order for young people and their teachers to improve their knowledge and competencies in the field of human rights, their promotion and protection and be more prepared to take on the role of a responsible citizen. Through the project, education, networking and exchange we will influence the development and strengthening of civic competencies of teachers and high school students from five partner schools, and by creating a mobile application and its dissemination we will influence the strengthening and development of democratic culture and civic engagement to a wide range of end users. Donor country partner contribute with capacity building of teaches and CSO employees on human and citizens rights. Other local partners contribute with workshops, focus goups and capacity building activities according to their expertize (human rights, lidership skills and mentoring etc.) Project location are Osijek-Baranja, Istria and Vukovar-Srijem counties.

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