Organisational support for Green Istria Association

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Green Istria(HR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:


Green Istria (GI) is one of the leading watchdog associations which provides daily support to citizens in solving problems related to climate and environment, and continuously initiates and implement ad-hoc support initiatives depending on the escalation of problems or new threats in the environment. Although the Green Istria and its team has many years of experience and achieves exceptional results in relation to challange of uncertain financing, organisational support will:

  • provide stability for development and security to keep the existing number of people. 
  • enable one person to devote part of its working time for development of ad-hoc activities. GI currently support the civic initiative "Referendum for Lungomare" against exessive tourism and privatization of public good. Such initiatives are time and resource consuming and this support will allow sustainability and quality of this and simmilar actions
  • will contribute to the strengthening of the new program "Resilient Communities and Climate Change". Although the team has very successfully started and is implementing a number of projects and activities in this area, we lack capacity, more specifically we need a new professional and competent technical person or natural science professions in order to realize all the potential of this program, to ensure sustainability in the field of natural sciences, related to climate changes.
  • contribute to enlarge opportunities for networking and the creation of new partnerships in regard to trends of financing of projects, in line with the European Green Plan, aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change, 
  • Strengthening the membership in accordance with the Membership Development Plan is a program to which the team must devote special attention, it also requires time and dedicated work, and this support would enable us to do it well let''s dedicate ourselves to work on strengthening and increasing membership.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.