Integration of Art - Art of Integration: Women to Women

Project facts

Project promoter:
Living Atelier DK(HR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Center for the theatre of the opressed POKAZ(HR)


In a climate of political conservatism, anti-migrant public opinion and economic hardships, women often bear the brunt. Fear and worry contribute to losing well-being and connectivity.

Local women suffer from a patriarchal climate, financial difficulties and scars of the 90s war.

For migrant women the situation is often compounded by uncertainty and past traumas. Many have less mobility, linguistic training and job opportunities than men.

Meanwhile the state cuts funds for programs related to culture, integration and psychological support.

We answer to the challenges by creating a community, supporting individual well-being and empowerment, and reclaiming integration as more than a two-way process for all into an ever-changing society. Project goals are to build knowledge and skills of refugees and asylum seekers as particularly vulnerable groups, improve agency and involve locals in the integration process. Project activities include regular workshops in ceramics, glass, product design, legislative theater and peer-to-peer skills exchange. Traveling exhibitions and interactive workshops, cooking workshops, a manual and website are for public outreach with an intended multiplier effect. Echoing the EC Action Plan and UNHCR Global Appeal’s applicable outcome areas, Živi Atelje DK’s situational analysis recognises that continuity of support to migrants is key to achieve integration opportunities. Hence, including some members of marginalized groups through participatory approach and as project staff contributes to project sustainability. This is aligned with the UNHCR''s Strategic Directions 2017-2021 report calling for engagement of all actors as necessary to navigate new challenges and improve integration of all.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.