Legal assistance to the habitants of Kosinj valley in proce of resettlment due to constracion od hydro-accumulation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kosinj valley association(HR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


In the Kosinj valley are the villages  Donji and Gornji Kosinj, Rudanka, Mlakva, Lipovo polje, Krš, Gradina, Kosinjski Bakovac. Due to the construction of HE Senj, village Kruščica was flooded. The preparation works for construction of a new accumulation lake started in 2021 which is the part of natonal stategic energy projece HES Senj 2 since July 2021. The property of the inhabitants of G. and D. Kosinj, Lipovo polje, Krš and Mlakva will be flooded (as well as archeological finds, cemeteries, churches). The first Croatian book, Kosinjski misal, was printed in Kosinj in 1483. In Lipovo polje, Krš and Mlakva, in World War II was killed about 600 inhabitants. Public institutions involved in the construction of HE project avoid to talk to residents, to give information about compensationa, estimates of property values, etc. In 2021, the relocation of the cemeteries began, which is not well organized or accepted by the inhabitants. Project will actively involve the inhabitants of Kosinj villages in the decision making process of project implementation in the local environment,  will  contribute to social wellfair and fair compensations for  local population. The project activities: - holding 3 citizens'' assemblies (min. 45 participants in total), introductory conference and 7 press releases, submitting to investor a proposal for realocation of cemeteries, civilian victims monument of World War II (Mlakva, 270 victims ), and demand for complete information about compensation for lost property and mental pain. The project will inform the public about the losses faced by residents . The target groups are the residents of G. Kosinj, Krš and Mlakva (to be flooded) and the residents of Donji Kosinj and Lipovo polje, who are left without part of the property (agricultural land, forest, part of the facilities). Kosinjska dolina association will organize and carry out all planned activities through a network of its volunteers.

Summary of project results

Kosinjska valley consists of 8 villages, and the village of Kručica was already dissolved in 1961-1962. due to the construction of HPP Senj. In 2021, the Government of the Republic of Croatia declared the HES Senj 2 project a strategic energy project. An accumulation lake of 1155 ha is being built in Kosinje. The works started with a conflict with the residents over the way to move the cemetery from one village and were temporarily stopped on September 1, 2021. by the court decision of the Municipal Court in Gospić. Mostly private land and buildings belonging to the inhabitants of the villages are submerged. HEP published the Notice on the initiation of the real estate purchase procedure due to the implementation of the Kosinj HES project and opened an office for contact with citizens in a nearby village that is difficult for residents of the Kosinj Valley to reach (poor public transport, many do not have a car). . The members of the Association came to these realizations in their daily contact with each other and with the inhabitants of the settlement that will be submerged, because communication with HEP is weak and insufficient, and citizens are not communicated with in a clear and nonsensical way, information is kept from them and they are not included are involved in making decisions important for their lives and property. In the area of endangered villages (Krš, Kosinjski Bakovac, D. and G. Kosinj, Lipovo polje and Mlakva), according to the 2011 Census, there are 957 inhabitants, of which 36.26% are over 65 years old, 21.42% are members of the Serbian national minorities. In the spring of 2022, the works in Kosinje will continue and the expropriation procedures of the owners, relocation of cemeteries, etc., will be accelerated in order to build the reservoir as soon as possible. It is necessary to implement the project in the next 3 months, so that the residents have information about their rights before the construction continues. The goal of the project is to legally empower residents in the process of agreement with HEP, on compensation, while increasing public awareness in the County about the impact of HPP Senj 2 on the local community.

2 lawyers were engaged, who participated in the citizens'' assemblies, a summary was written called the protocol on the procedure, which was published on the FB page, copied in 45 copies and distributed to everyone who was interested. 3 assemblies of citizens were held with a total of 76 participants, the organization of which involved 8 volunteers. By implementing the project, the Association ensured that all residents of Kosinjska dolina (target group) and property owners were given legal support through a written protocol drawn up by lawyer Dino Španjol Varenina, which was duplicated and distributed to citizens. It was also published on the FB page of the Association. In addition, a lawyer was present at every citizen''s meeting, who could answer all the citizens'' questions. In this way, everyone is aware of their rights in the expropriation procedure. Also, all visitors to the recordings on TV Loka could be informed about the procedures related to the expropriation, relocation of cemeteries and monuments to civilian victims of World War II. war. This legal empowerment was achieved just before the more significant calling of residents for expropriation began.

Planned citizens'' meetings were held where the present residents expressed their views, interests and demands, and the Municipality, HEP and Lika-Senj County were informed about them, and the general public via the FB page and TV Loki.
Using the FB page and recordings of the local television station TV Loki, we managed to animate the public in the area of Lika-Senj County about everything.
It has been shown that citizens can be animated about topics of vital interest to them. Citizens'' assemblies were held for the first time in the area of Kosinjska Dolina, Perušić Municipality and probably also in Lika-Senjska County, and representatives of the authorities and Investors did not have the courage or interest to face the inhabitants of Kosinjska Dolina. Residents articulated their interests and submitted them, through the Association, to the Municipality, HEP and Lika-Senj County. The association acted constructively towards all parties and provided objective information, strengthened the legal population of Kosinjska dolina and informed the public about everything. Project results and indicators have been achieved, and the effect is positive. Citizens'' assemblies are still being discussed, there is a record left on the FB page and on You Tube TV Loki. The representatives of the local government and HEP showed in front of the entire public how much they care about the citizens. This is the reason for all of us to think together and act as active subjects in the preparation and implementation of public policies in the future, and not as passive observers in our own lives.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.