Dialogy: educatinal programs of the Festival of Tolerance

Project facts

Project promoter:
Jewish Film Festival – JFF Zagreb(HR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Association MI(HR)
Croatian Association of Youth and Students with Disabilities – SUMSI(HR)
Elementary School Banija
Elementary School Sirač
Elementary School Špansko Oranice
Elementary School Vladimir Nazor
Jesuite refugee service – JRS Croatia(HR)
Rijeka''s First Croatian High School
Roma Association in the Republic of Croatia Kali Sara(HR)
School of Graphics
Design and Media Production
XV Gymnasium


Problem addressed by the project is based on results of numerous researches indicating high level of violence and increasing intolerance among young people, especially towards other religions and nationalities. The problem of media literacy, information about current social problems, insistence on finding solutions that are humane, tolerant, inclusive and democratic, are a summary of past and future ways of conceiving and implementing of Dialogy.

Faced with a lack of content aimed at informing and educating young people, educated and socially sensitive members of society, JFF in cooperation and with the support of numerous institutions has developed the program from 10 originally designed programs for youth focused on direct contact and communication through organized lectures using modern tools, especially film.

Target group are students of elementary and high schools, teachers, minority members and other vulnerable groups and journalists and educators including general public. 

Through education and discussions (800 students), festival of tolerance (1000 participants), films and performance of children''s opera Brundibar (400 students), target groups are given a context for intellectual and emotional engagement on a particular topic which is then elaborated through communication with professionals and people with personal experience (holocaust survivals with focus on Roma people, refuges, migrants, people with intellectual or physical difficulties etc.).

This project encourages dialogue on topics that are (often) not talked about or are talked about just to fulfil the form. By development of interactive content in digital and physical form that is innovative and interesting to young people the project goals will be achieved.

The activities of Dialogy are carried out in annual cycles related to the duration of the school year and new contents, topics and collaborations are prepared for each cycle.

Summary of project results

The starting point for determining the existence of problems and assessing needs are numerous studies conducted in recent years on the topic of violence among young people, abuse in schools, and attitudes towards members of other religions or nationalities. These data clearly show a high degree of violence in schools, that is, a significant degree of intolerance among young people towards those who are different from themselves. Also, we continue to witness the appearance of symbols and hate speech in schools. Young people use neo-Nazi symbols, iconography and features without even realizing what they really represent, as commented by students who attended our previous programs. As a result of all this information, it is inevitable to conclude that there is a considerable need for a program that would educate young people in an efficient way, and according to the assessments of the participants, both students and professors, this kind of project is the answer to that need.
The project was conceived in accordance with the latest recommendations of the Ombudsman for Children (year 2019): "We emphasized the need to implement programs aimed at teaching children tolerance, non-discrimination and acceptance of diversity. It is necessary to educate educational workers and others who participate or help in educational process, and to ensure professional training and additional professional support for the development of tolerant relations between children belonging to national minorities and children of the majority nationality.

Discussions and education on the Holocaust, education on the integration of refugees, education on the integration of persons with disabilities, education on the integration of Roma were held through eight programs. A performance of a children''s opera was organized for the effects of primary and secondary schools, which is also Education about the Holocaust through a musical-stage work created in the Theresienstadt concentration camp, a Festival of Tolerance was held and an Action in Schools was organized - launching an award for schools for the promotion of human rights and tolerance

The most important result of the project is educated children, young people and the general public in accordance with general and civilizational values through the adoption of equality, social inclusion, the development of critical thinking, increasing knowledge about human rights and the importance of tolerance while encouraging active and responsible participation in a democratic and multicultural society and strengthened role of CSOs in non-institutional education of upper grades of primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia with the purpose of enriching civic education programs with an innovative approach and exchange of good practices.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.