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Gender budgeting is a recommended way of financing local government based on the National Strategy for Protection from Domestic Violence for the period from 2017 to 2022 in order to achieve continuity in preventing and combating violence against women and in the family through sustainable services and prevention. According to the Report of the Ministry for 2017 and 2018, it is evident that local government allocates only a quarter of funds for assistance and support to victims out of all funds that are available for services for women victims of violence. Also, interestingly, far less funds are allocated for work with perpetrators, but most of these funds, almost 80%, are provided by local governments. This is an indicator of the lack of gender analysis and the analysis of real needs, as well as the lack of implementation of gender sensitive policies/ budgets at the local/regional level. Our goal is to present a model of the gender budget through the gender budget analysis of 5 local government units (one county center, two island cities and two municipalities in assisted areas), educate relevant stakeholders for its implementation in these local government units, create a model of sustainable financing of prevention of violence and of services for survivors of violence, through the gender budgeting model. Additionally, we will continue to advocate in Split for the establishment of a crisis center for women victims of sexual and other forms of violence, as the project is implemented after local elections and newly elected authorities at the local/regional level. In addition to teaching local government representatives the method/model of gender budgeting, we will strengthen the advocacy role of organizations/initiatives operating at the local level in cities (and municipalities or counties) in which the analyzes will be conducted.
Summary of project results
The fact is that since 2011 there has been no National Policy for the Promotion of Equality in Croatia, the fact is that national policies are more difficult to come down to and implement at the local level, even when implementation measures are prescribed. Also, through the continuous monitoring of local public policies related to the prevention and fight against violence against women and in the family, and with regard to the analysis started and the established insight into the application of the gender budget in the area of local/regional self-government, we know that it is not applied. Analysis of the gender budget of local public policies exists only for the cities of Rijeka and Zagreb. Our goal is to analyze the budgets of 5 cities and municipalities at the level of 4 Dalmatian counties, namely county centers (1), island cities (2) and municipalities in assisted areas (2). The four Dalmatian counties are the most neglected in terms of the allocation and availability of services for working with victims of violence and are extremely under-capacitated. Investments in gender-sensitive policies are almost non-existent, gender analysis is not carried out, and the method of analysis that will be applied in this project can be applied to the whole of Croatia.
Trained and empowered the Domino team (4) for gender analysis of the budget and conducted 4 online educational workshops;
Analyzed budget (analysis based on questionnaire (5) and content analysis of 5 budgets) in the area of 4 Dalmatian counties;
The result of the budget analysis presented to representatives of the local government, local associations and local stakeholders and the general public through announcements on social networks and in the local media;
Educated representatives of local authorities and associations for the application of gender analysis and gender budgeting through 4 half-day workshops held in 4 counties;
Conceived and implemented advocacy campaign.
A gender analysis was performed and a gender budget model was established as a sustainable way of financing prevention and support services for women victims of violence and victims of domestic violence at the local level.
Strengthened advocacy position of Domino and local associations in the area of 4 Dalmatian counties for the application of gender budgeting and generally monitored local public policies with regard to the integration of the principle of equality