Healthy Roma in an Equal and Inclusive Society

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Doctors of the World(GR)


The total number of Roma children and women finally directly promoted was 76 and 157 respectively. The project followed a thorough implementation plan which included three work packages:
WP1: Education (responsible for implementing body EKPA). 
The first work package included five actions such as a) School readiness, self-esteem, and participation of Roma in school. b) Emotional empowerment of Roma women.  c) Educational Action in Associations of Non-Roma Parents and Guardians to Eliminate Stereotypes. d) Counseling Roma mothers to support their children''s school attendance. e) Promoting the Mental Health of Roma Women. Help to prevent and promote women''s mental health. Roma women usually do not live in a supportive environment and there is rarely anyone to take care of them. WP2: Health (responsible implementing body DoW). a) Health and Mental Health Promotion and Education.  b)Developing a culture of prevention in collaboration with health mediators. c) Issuance of medical certificates and other medical certificates. d) Educational seminars. e) First aid and disaster management. WP3: Strengthening Roma Resilience (responsible implementing body EKPA). a) Art therapy: interactive teaching, encouragement of children and adults.
b) Digital storytelling, strengthening positive role models for women and youth Regular empowerment and community integration workshops with the support of specialized scientists (experts by experience). Information from successful Roma women who have applied for and won positions in various fields, women working in public institutions or in the private sector, women who own businesses, women who excel in the scientific community or the arts. 

Summary of project results

The initial aim of the action was to support the participation of 195 Roma pupils, aged 8-45 years.
The act also aimed at strengthening the promotion of equal treatment, education and lifelong learning, individual and public health and ultimately the socio-economic integration and active participation of Roma in social life.
The project aim was aligned with the directions of the National Strategy for the Inclusion of Roma people 2021–2030. The strategy emphasizes to the empowerment of Roma women and young people through targeted actions, which required the active participation of the community.
The overall objective of the Action was to contribute to the empowerment of Roma women and young people, enabling them to interact with other members of Greek society on equal terms and to claim their individual, social and political rights.
The specific objective of the Action was to conduct a comprehensive informative educational program combining the expertise of all the partners of the Union and adapted to the needs, skills and desires of the Roma themselves, as these have been repeatedly expressed to the Union bodies submitting the Action and who maintain constant contact and relationship with the target communities.
The project goals were also in alignment with EEA Grants.

Group Activities with children and adolescents (especially young girls) with objectives. A1D2: Actions aimed at keeping girls (10-16 years old) in school and after completing their studies in primary school. A1D3: Educational Action in Associations of Non-Roma Parents and Guardians to eliminate stereotypes and reduce prejudices. A2D4: Counseling of Roma Mothers to support their children''s school attendance. A2D5: Promoting the Mental Health of Roma Outputs: Interim financial reports and Lists of potential beneficiaries Women.

A3D6: Health and Mental Health Promotion and Education to (female) community leaders, cultural mediators, parents and children
A3D7: Vaccination campaigns – developing a culture of prevention in collaboration with health mediators
A3D8: Issuance of ADIMS and other medical certificates
A4D9: Educational seminars. A5D10: (DRR) Disaster risk reduction | natural disasters. Interim financial reports, Lists of potential beneficiaries & their families and counseling sessions to the families of beneficiaries. 

A6D11: Art therapy: interactive teaching, encouragement of children and adults. A6D12: Digital storytelling, strengthening positive role models for women and young people. Outputs: Lists ofbeneficiaries, Guide for the implementation of Experiential Workshops for families and Roma children and relevant training material, final lists of beneficiaries and action Implementation Report.

The act aimed at strengthening Roma personalities through recreational and educational activities and at removing negative stereotypes through cohabitation. 

Output-Level Results




Strengthening social and cognitive skills through experiential and discovery learning



Actions to strengthen the self-image of Roma girls aged 10-16 and strengthen their gender student identity



Artistic activities to create opportunities for participation in cultural life and the full inclusion of adolescents and young women Ρομά



Educational Action in Associations of Non-Roma Parents and Guardians to eliminate stereotypes and reduce prejudices, aiming at better integration of children in school



Counseling Roma Mothers to support their children''s school attendance



Promoting the Mental Health of Roma Women



Health and Mental Health Promotion and Education to (female) community leaders, including cultural mediators, parents and children



Developing a culture of prevention in collaboration with health mediators



Issuance of medical certificates and other medical certificates



Educational seminars



First aid and disaster management



Art therapy: interactive teaching, encouragement of children and adults



Digital storytelling, strengthening positive role models for women and youth



Total beneficiaries *




Broader impact
The purpose of the act was to promote equal treatment, education and lifelong learning, individual and public health.
This project has set the groundwork for changing existing stereotypes. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.