A step forward – Accommodation Facility for Women Asylum Seekers at risk and for mothers with their children

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
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The project''s aim is to operate a new long-term open Acommodation Centre(6 months procurements procedures + 24 months operation)for vulnerable asylum seekers(single women or mothers with children, with focus on pregnant women, women with serious health problems, SGBV survivors, VoTs etc.)with an individualized approach to the provision of services.The ultimate purpose of the project is to support the beneficiaries to their path to independence/autonomy, avoiding institutionalization.MDM-EL will apply their already piloted for the last 10 months methodology of 4 pillars, MDM4PM(section 3 of this app).Referrals will be done to the Centre from the relevant national and local authorities, international organizations and NGOs coping with vulnerable women-asylum seekers(section 3 of this app).The proposed
project complies with EA and EU standards for the provisions for vulnerable persons and the Greek National legislation. MDM-EL has also already validated the permits required for the operation of the Centre and has secured the accessibilityfor beneficiaries with disabilities(section 5 of this app).Concerning the outcomes/outputs of the call, the proposed project is compatible with the outcome 1, aiming to improve the quality of accommodation and other services provided in open accommodation centres by providing accommodation and services in 175 women and their children during its operation.The Centre will operate 24/7 in order to provide qualitative reception conditions and supporting services on adaily basis for 44 beneficiaries with a comprehensive manner.

Summary of project results

The project’s aim was to operate a new long-term open Acommodation Centre

for vulnerable asylum seekers (single women or mothers with children, with focus on pregnant women, women with serious health problems, SGBV survivors, VoTs etc.) with an individualized approach to the provision of  services. The ultimate purpose of the project was to support the beneficiaries to their path to independence/autonomy,

avoiding institutionalization.

The implemented project complied with EA and EU standards for the provisions for vulnerable persons and the Greek National legislation.

Since the beginning of the project, 227 beneficiaries (134 women, 94 children) have been accommodated in the Open Accommodation Center. Of the total number of beneficiaries 175 were asylum seekers and 55 belonged to other vulnerable groups (Ukrainians, non-registered or recognized refugees). The Project Promoter, whose priority is to ensure safe and quality living conditions for all women at risk, understood this need and requested to allow the hosting of women and children from Ukraine.

The project’s social services staff refer the beneficiaries to Project Promoter’s Open Polyclinic in Athens regarding their  health examination. The available specialties there are: pathologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, gynecologist, dentist etc.

Throughout the duration of the project, the Project Promoter has given special importance to the education, entertainment and integration of the beneficiaries.

In terms of education, foreign language classes, English, German and French were held daily at the shelter. Next to language classes, individualized or groups sessions on guitar learning, computer and math lessons.

Since the beginning of the "A Step Forward" Project, all school-age children were enrolled in the Greek education system, while 41 children (out of 50 hosted school-age children) were enrolled in public schools (aged 5-15 years). A large percentage of children were enrolled in schools near their place of residence along with Greek students, where reception classes were offered, while others attended intercultural schools where Greek was taught as a second language.

However, there were many challenges that prevented them from attending public schools, such as the lack of reception classes mainly in secondary education and the lack of availability of places in pre-school education. Despite all the challenges, all children attended school without interruption. 

Various activities were carried out ctivities for adults and/or children related to beneficiaries'' health and well-being, physical exercise and relaxation, training, capoeira and yoga classes, dance groups,combination of games and theater groups. Indoor activities included movie nights, traditional food cooking, crafts and combination games.

In addition, in terms of women''s empowerment activities, GBV group sessions were implemented by Social Services and the Psychologist, covering issues of medical and legal protocols that survivors of gender-based violence.

The Open Accommodation Center ³A Step Forward´has been a frontline structure, a project offering alternative reception and housing conditions for its beneficiaries, with the ability to record the needs and challenges directly and with the capacity to adapt accordingly in order to address these challenges (e.g. procedural issues, difficulties/challenges in the asylum service, etc.)

Since the beginning of the project, 227 beneficiaries (134 women, 94 children) have been accommodated in the Open Accommodation Center. Of the total number of beneficiaries 175 were asylum seekers and 55 belonged to other vulnerable groups (Ukrainians, non-registered or recognized refugees). During the 24 months of the project, the occupancy rate in the shelter, closed on an average of 75%, following an upward trend, with the last two quarters showing an occupancy rate of 85%.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.