FUTURA – Fostering the Transition of Unaccompanied children to Adulthood

Project facts

Project promoter:
International Rescue Committee(GR)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The International Rescue Committee (IRC) proposes the establishment of 10 Supported Independent Living (SIL) apartments in Athens, with a capacity of 40 places to accommodate asylum seeking unaccompanied children (UAC, boys) aged 16 years old and above. The IRC will provide quality accommodation and a holistic package of individualized support services to at least 120 UAC over a duration of 33 months. In cooperation with public entities, such as the National Employment Agency (OAED), the Municipality of Athens (MoA) and the National Centre for Social Solidarity (EKKA), we will facilitate UAC access to training opportunities and accelerate the referral and transfer of UAC in SIL. Four children will live in each apartment and they will receive a range of services, including legal aid, individual and group psychosocial support, non-formal education and skills building activities tailored to their needs, by a core team of experienced social workers, caretakers and interpreters. The caretakers will further ensure that adolescents develop their independent living skills, are able to perform household tasks, manage their budget and live peacefully with limited supervision from staff. UAC and SIL staff will jointly develop individual development plans that will include their goals and means to achieve them in order to reach their full potential in life.
In SIL apartments, children are provided with a series of personalized support services tailored to their unique needs, strengths and weaknesses, and particular emphasis is placed on their empowerment and self-reliance. Our goal is for UAC who turn 18 to have the ability to rent their own accommodation and benefit from the same services as the Greek population. 

Summary of project results




Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.