Cyber training program for youths and youth workers

Project facts

Project promoter:
CTF-Tech Ltd(EE)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
CybExer Technologies Ltd(EE)
University of Tartu(EE)


The project is focused on the organisation of a gaming cyber security competition “Cyber Battle of Estonia” throughout Estonia for youths aged 16-21, as well as preceding and following the gaming cyber learning/hobby learning activities, with materials supporting the given process throughout Estonia (as well as also in cooperation with international partners) that as a whole create for youths and youth workers a year round voluntary cyber security hobby learning programme.


The youth workers and youths of at least 60 municipalities are participating in the project (achievable in stages within approx two years).

The digital capacity and cyber skills of the youth workers and youths that have participated in the project will improve, as a result of the project. This includes an understanding of the principle fields of cyber security (network security, web application security, digital forensics, cryptography); understanding cyber hygiene and responsible behaviour in cyberspace; understanding of cyber threats and the skill to protect oneself from them; what is ethical hacking or increasing cyber security through the method of trial and error (concept and methods) and taking into consideration legal and ethical norms; understanding of the functioning of cyber security competitions, as well as the technical skills to solve cyber challenges, in such type of gaming environments.

Summary of project results

The digital capacity and cyber skills of youth and the youth workers are poor and needed to be improved. This includes an understanding of the principle fields of cyber security (network security, web application security, digital forensics, cryptography); understanding cyber hygiene and responsible behaviour in cyberspace; understanding of cyber threats and the skill to protect oneself from them; what is ethical hacking or increasing cyber security through the method of trial and error (concept and methods) and taking into consideration legal and ethical norms; understanding of the functioning of cyber security competitions, as well as the technical skills to solve cyber challenges, in such type of gaming environments.


The project carried out several cyber security gaming competitions “Cyber Battle of Estonia” throughout Estonia for youth aged 16-21, as well created a year round voluntary cyber security hobby learning programme/platform for youth, teachers and youth workers. E-platform: (registration needed)

E-platfom for learning cyber skills and cyber security is a comprehensive unity with 9 different interactive chapters that enables to offer cyber security learning module in schools (1 Basics of cyber security, 2. Information collection, 3. Basics of Linux, 4. Network security, 5. Cryptography, 6. Security of web applications, 7. Reverse engineering, 8. Digital criminalistics, 9. Windows security + 4 additional chapters). All Estonian schools have the possibility to use the platform for free of charge. Currently, already 6 secondary schools are considering taking up this module in their curricula. Children and teachers/youth workers are engaged different activites peaking with an annual Cybercation event in Tartu.   

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.