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Project overall objective is to support young people with low levels of education who belong to the risk group in the continuation of their education or the development of readiness to enter the labour market after basic school. The primary function of vocational orientation training is to support each student in making a career choice, doing so in cooperation with external partners (Unemployment Insurance Fund, Local Governments, Prison Service) and companies (school-related businesses providing work practice). Cooperation with local governments is the key word in this project. An individual approach, creating a greater overview of the young person, is necessary to ensure that the choice of profession training is completed, in order to work together in identifying the obstacles that prevent people from starting work or continuing their studies.
As a result of the project, 44 young people have participated in the vocational orientation training programme and at least 50% of the young people who have studied have entered the labour market or are continuing their studies.
Summary of project results
The project set to offer 3 x 6-months vocational orientation programme (30 EKAP) for 44 students.
The project carried out one 6-month vocational orientation programme for Ukrainian refugees in Estonia, enrolling altogether 13 students. The students were provided with various activities to adapt to the Estonian society as well as psychological support.
13 Ukrainian refugee student received a 6-month vocational orientation programme. 6 students moved on to vocation training, 1 person left Estonia. Interest in vocational orientation programme has not been high among students, the school sees it an opportunity for language learning programme before entering to vocation training.