Continuation of vocational orinetation training studies at the Rakvere Vocational School based on the needs of the target group

Project facts

Project promoter:
Rakvere Vocational School(EE)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is that young people with a low level of education have been brought back to the educational path. As a result of participating in profession training, they are more confident in their subsequent choices and continue their studies (in vocational or general education at the Rakvere Vocational School or also in another school) or enter the labour market.

Result of the project: a total of six career choice of profession courses have taken place during the project and 60 students have participated (10 in one course). Young people’s motivation to study has increased and they are more aware of their future career choices. According to the exit interviews, 48 young people are ready to continue their studies or enter the labour market.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to guide young people with a low level of education back to the educational path. As a result of participating in profession training, they would be more confident in their subsequent choices and continue their studies (in vocational or general education at the Rakvere Vocational School or also in another school) or enter the labour market.

During 3 subsequent schoolyears 2021-2024, altogether 5 vocational orientation study groups (6-months curricula of 30 EKAP points) have been carried of with 74 students participating in total. Of them, 38 students (51%) indicated to carry on with the studies and learn a concrete profession and 36 decided to move on to the labourmarket. 

Rakvere Vocational School will continue with the vocational orientation curricula. Rakvere has the capacity to host 2 study groups per 1 year, the group consisting of 12 students. The programme will serve as a pre-vocational study. The school sees a cooperation element with local general education schools in introducing different vocations and their substance as well as benefits. In this respect the young people can make a more concious choice of profession and thereof have a stronger motivation as they are aware of their future career choices. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.