Strengthening the Victim Support System

Project facts

Project promoter:
Estonian Social Insurance Board(EE)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS)(NO)


The project contributes to the programme outcome "Reduced domestic and gender-based violence and gender inequalities". The donor project partner in this project is the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS).

The project will improve the system for support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence to ensure a systematic, sustainable and coordinated approach to combat such violence. 

The Project Promoter is the Estonian National Social Insurance Board, which will collaborate with all relevant organisations active in the field (primary care physicians, women shelter organisations) who will be consulted / involved to the project activities. 

Target groups of the project are victims of violence (children, women, men), perpetrators of violence and specialists who come into contact with victims of violence.

To be successful in preventing the domestic and gender based violence in the long term, this project will:

  • develop a volunteers’ system to accomplice state victim support,
  • develop interventions for perpetrators of violence,
  • develop an early detection system for health care workers,
  • provide counselling and/or abilities for that to specialists at woman’s shelters,
  • provide a quality assessment tool for women’s shelters.

Summary of project results

The project was set to improve the system for support to victims of domestic and gender-based violence to ensure a systematic, sustainable and coordinated approach to combat such violence. 

The Project Promoter Estonian National Social Insurance Board would collaborate with all relevant organisations active in the field (primary care physicians, women shelter organisations) who were consulted and involved to the project activities. 

Target groups of the project were victims of violence (children, women, men), perpetrators of violence and specialists who come into contact with victims of violence.

As a result of project activities, the project:

  • provided a quality assessment tool for women’s shelters;
  • provided counselling to specialists at woman’s shelters (covision and supervision);
  • developed a volunteers’ system to accomplice state victim support and trained 64 volunteers (agreeements made with Social Insurance Board); 
  • developed an early detection system for health care workers and trained over 250 health care professionals on the subject;
  • trained 75 specialists to work with perpetrators of violence;
  • carried out a population survey on domestic and sexual violence as well as criminalising the buying of sex. 

All services developed will continue and wil be advanced from state budget resources. 
Quality assessment tool for women’s shelters is in use by all shelters and has been helpful in unifying the level of service quality provided.  

Cooperation between shelters has improved and several different specialists have received training on detecting and dealing with domestic and sexual violence. Volunteer system is a complementary tool side by side state victim support.   
Population survey results are valuable input for communication and decision making process regarding fighting domestic and sexual violence in Estonia.  

Summary of bilateral results

A very comprehensive study trip was put together by donor partner NKVTS giving a thorough overview of the victim support system and services in Norway. Our specialists visited organisations like Alternative to Violence (ATV), Rosa-project (trafficking), Romerike shelter as well as the Directorate of Health. The analysis of Rosa-project results is of special interest as it is an innovative approach to us.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.