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The European Commission has estimated a potential shortfall of 230 000 physicians by 2020, meaning 13.5% of care would not be covered, among them estimated 50 000 general practitioners (14% of total GP pool), leading to the current system overload. For patients it means longer waiting lists, shorter consultations times and deterioration of medical care quality. In average 49% of physicians’ time is spent on electronic health records.
For this, „LEIA“ is being developed, to be the first web based AI platform that supports primary care physicians in their everyday work life. It collects & analyses patient information, transforms data into easily understandable case stories, interacts with laboratory information, offers decision support and prefills documentation. Platform enables current care providers act more effective, leading to improved access to GP’s and increasing their ability to manage larger patient numbers. A visit to GP center starts already at patient home by a software perform questioning of the patient. It will prepare the case for physician before patient enters the office and supports physician in decision-making process by providing various diagnostic assistance. System is linked to laboratory, so it is easy for physician to order tests. Test results will be sent automatically back to the system and will be considered by AI in diagnostic process. The solution offers pre-filled documentation, so physician can pay full attention to patient during visit.
The results from the small grant scheme project will provide us with clear understanding about financial-, human- and time resources needed to finalize the product, as well the understanding of missing competences.
Summary of project results
Project activities completed. Project promoter did not participate in the main call.