More information
There is large amount of valuable information available about a person that is generated during healthcare service provision that would allow a very individual approach and health management over time, but all this information is underused. In the last decade, the role of the employer in promoting and maintaining health has become more important worldwide.
Employers themselves are also interested in this, as investing into health of employees improves their motivation are productivity. It is an opportunity to reduce the turnover of labour, and to maintain high reputation as a caring employer. At the same time, there are no suitable solutions to manage individual health plan that acknowledges personalized needs and to incorporate seamlessly medical feedback by doctor into it.
During the project, there are created preconditions for human health management based on personalized information and big data processing as well as preconditions for employer health management service. The proposed software and analytical solution allow primary health care professionals (occupational physicians, family doctors) to provide an input for management of various health risks of a person or the whole company, but also to get realistic, meaningful and visually attractive health risk management plan that is feasible to follow.
Summary of project results
Project activities completed, project promoter also participated in the first main call.