More information
Cancer patients and patients with other chronic diseases need frequent treatment, long- term monitoring of symptoms, they are often admitted at hospitals, even for the simpler cases. Hospital care in Norway is a high cost for the society and admission to hospitals takes much resources. There is also an overload of information about the different kind of cancer or chronic diseases. As a patient, it is difficult to know whether the information is relevant to you or not. While there is an abundance of information available, it is non-personalized and the credibility is not clear for the patients. As a health professional, there is a lack of clinical decision support tools and the electronic tools available lack personalization.
The aim of the SGS project is to conduct pre-study and concept design of an e-health platform for chronic patients in order to reduce the strain on public health sector and to improve personal aspect of the treatment process. To achieve the objectives, the main project aims to build a health content backend and a mobile application platform. The SGS project will investigate the feasibility of these features. The SGS project also investigates the business models related to “content as a service” in health.
Summary of project results
Project activites completed. Project promoter did not proceed with main call application.