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1. Awareness raising: Collecting and getting to know the already existing good practices of circular economy in Rae municipality. Conducting a circular economy development programme for the municipality leaders, representatives of the subdivisions, including schools and kindergartens. The programme will result in innovation plans for the participating institutions. Competition for schools and kindergartens to implement two of the innovation plans as an example for the others.
2. Measuring of the carbon footprint and creating an action plan for reducing it: public sector buildings, public transportation, compensation areas in the municipality. Mapping the potential of the circular economy and creating an action plan.
3. Mapping the circular economy potential among the enterprises in Rae - Detailed mapping of the circular economy potential among the 30 largest companies from different sectors.
Summary of project results
The rapid growth of inhabitants has resulted in work-related migration, development of industries and development of both private and public buildingis. Among that the environmental footprint has increased. The municipality togehther with communities was looking for solutions to become more sustainable and therefore new approaches had to be implemented. Systematic approaches involving partners from public, private and education sector.
With this pilot project the purpose was to reduce the environmental footprint and become carbon-neutral in long run. Awareness was raised with collecting and getting to know the already existing good practices in Rae municipality. Study trip was organized to Norway where a lot of good ideas were gathered. For the institutions in the municipality, 5 day training course was implemented, which resulted in circular economy actionplans for those institutions. And with an innovation campaign 5 different sub-institutions implemented their ideas (food circulation fridge, closet for reusable materials, bicycle with a box, outdoor kitchen for kindergarten (enhancement) and a composter.
Employees of Rae municipality, incl subdivisions like schools and kindergartens were directly involved in the activities, and as a result they are more aware of the circular economy activities and they can implement activities in their institutions. The representatives of the largest companies in Rae were also involved, as their companies circular economy potential was mapped in detail, which resulted in less leftovers from production processes. The indirect target groups are communities in Rae municipality - all 27 villages and 5 small towns and their inhabitants.