Development of mapping tool of antibullying work and consultation model for schools

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kiusamisvaba Kool Foundation(EE)
Project Number:
In implementation
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Bullying continues to be a serious problem in Estonian schools. Bullying violates children’s right to safe education. There is a vast amount of scientific knowledge about what works in bullying reduction and implementing this knowledge would help to improve anti-bulling work in schools significantly. According to applicant’s 8 years of experience in anti-bullying work with schools and local governments, the schools seldom lack clear understanding about what they really do to reduce bullying, how effective they are and what more could be done to increase the effectiveness. The purpose of the project is more efficient bullying prevention in Estonian schools, for that the mapping tool for the anti-bullying work in schools and a consultation model is developed. The mapping tool allows schools to obtain systematic overview about their current anti-bullying work in the framework of science based recommendations. During following consultations Applicant’s consultants support the development processes at schools. The mapping tool and consultation model are tested in 5 schools, involving their teachers (about 100), students (about 500), and their parents (about 100). By the end of this project Kiusamisvaba Kool is able to sustainably provide the mapping tool and consultations to schools and local governments interested in improving their anti-bullying work. By that the spreading of science-based anti-bullying practices and more elaborated policies is supported. Also efficient cooperation in anti-bullying work between NGOs and educational institutions is pursued.

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