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According to the Shadow Report on the State of Gender Equality in the Czech Republic, women make up to 95 percent of victims of domestic and gender-based violence; 32 percent of women in the Czech Republic have experienced physical or sexual violence (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights). The project goal is to reduce the incidence of gender-based violence by focusing on one of its root causes, persistent gender inequality due to the low involvement of Czech men, especially those in decision-making positions, and also due to persistent authoritarian ideas about masculinity. If someone is perceived as a less valuable person, both others and himself tend not to problematize the hardship to which he is exposed. And when the double standard of understanding the value of men and women is perceived as normal, there is a tendency to understand requiring discipline, symbolic violence, and physical violence applied to women as normal, natural, or traditional. Many Czech men, including those in decision-making positions, still associate masculinity, albeit unconsciously, with superiority. There is a lack of political will and leadership to pursue the agenda, it is done only formally. Of course, we do not expect one project to eliminate violence against women and ensure the basic democratic principle of equality between women and men. However, we present a plan to make 20 men - heads of municipalities - more sensitive and active. We will make specific changes in the municipalities. In an advocacy campaign based on our (updated) policy paper Men and Power in the Public Sphere, aimed at national politicians, we will win ten men, ambassadors of nonviolence and equality. As an educational activity, we have innovatively chosen a documentary theater that can rawly illuminate the horrors of violence. We build on previous outputs:
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project was to open up the topic of women''s inequality and the related
violence of men to the target group of men. A man who does not perceive women as less valuable
persons does not commit violence against women and, on the contrary, is motivated to speak out
against this phenomenon and is therefore a desirable example for other men. Final beneficiary tried to fulfill this
goal with a whole set of key assets. We did better with parliamentary than with communist
Final beneficiary built a target group (64 people), held a total of 6 discussions, prepared one theater
performance, which took place twice and was visited by 97 people.Final beneficiary carried out 3 advocacy
campaigns: the Genderman 2023 campaign and the Outdoor campaign, an outdoor exhibition
including advertising, plus the creation of video spots and a third campaign on social networks based
on these videos. A total of 16 politicians and public figures subscribed to the values from the
policy paper Men and power in the public sphere. A total of 30,000 people visited our website and
social networks. We hired one new worker for 0.7 working hours. The Genderman of 2023 campaign
and the Outdoor campaign an outdoor exhibition including advertising plus the creation of video
spots and a third social media campaign built on these videos.
The main outputs include the policy paper Men and Power in Public Administration approved by the
Government Council. Successful preparation of a theater performance focused on various forms of
gender-based violence against women, 159 spectators in total. Genderman discusions (64
participants). Another year of the Genderman of the Year award, which makes visible men who
support equality and have a normative influence for society. in total, 30,000 people were affected
by the campaigns.