Birth in peace without violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Union of Midwives(CZ)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Association for Birth Houses and Centers(CZ)
Association for Integration and Migration(CZ)
League of Human Rights(CZ)


Obstetric violence is an invisible institutionalized form of violence that affects women, their children and indirectly society in general. The maternity care system places great emphasis on the medical setting and procedures and neglects the individual needs of women. This leads to contributing to this form of violence. Obstetric violence is defined as a gender-based form of violence in the European Parliament Resolution of 24 June 2021 on the state of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU in the field of maternity care. The project responds to the growing interest of women in the continuous care of midwives, providing expertise as well as an individual, safe and respectful approach. According to research, continuous midwife-led care for a healthy woman and her child is safe and efficient. Making the care of midwives accessible and continuous is one of the new program goals of the Czech government.

The project will begin with mapping stakeholders and creating the Midwifery Alliance, bringing together organizations, institutions and supporters of midwifery. We will analyze existing principles and guidelines of care at the national and international levels. We will agree on the basic principles of midwifery and define care so that it leads to the prevention and solution of obstetric violence.
We will map the needs of women with overlap into the needs of migrant women. Through the awareness campaign, we will acquaint the public with the presence of obstetric violence, its prevention and possible solutions. We will operate a helpline of midwives, where we will respond to the individual requirements of women. We will create a database of frequently asked questions and answers and a database of therapeutic assistance in various languages. Through educational activities, we will train midwives and other professionals so that they can provide respectful, safe and highly individualized care.
We will implement the project throughout the Czech Republic.

Summary of project results

The project addressed several ways to enhance women''s positive experience of childbirth. Firstraising
women''s awareness of how to achieve a positive birth experience. Second- providing tools
for self-care and communication support for health professionals. For example, final recepient struggled with
the fact that the term "obstetric violence "was not positively accepted when the project started. A
big challenge was PR, when final recepient was not on the "same page" with the first selected organisation.

The Midwifery Alliance was formed, an association of major stakeholders in maternity care who
were involved in the development of the Memorandum of Care. Final beneficiary have published an Analysis of
Guidelines and developed Principles of Care. Three FNs and other organisations were involved. Final beneficiary
answered 248 questions on the Give birth in Peace helpline, which also has foreign language
versions (AN,RU,UA), published a total of 22 FAQs on the website and a database of
psychotherapeutic help. Final beneficiary published a professional publication on the issue of obstetric violence,
organized 3 seminars and 3 training courses. In the campaign where we created 30 infographics
towards both the general and professional public. Through the campaign Final beneficiary reached over 830
thousand people.A press conference was held. A respectful and professional source of information
supported women in making informed decisions about their healthcare choices. Health
professionals received informational and psychological support.

- promotion of self-esteem, competence and self-confidence of women (over 830000 people) -
promotion of self-care and psychohygiene among healthcare professionals (almost 2000 people) -
emphasis on the correct form of informed consent, elimination of obstetric violence (over 40
healthcare professionals) - I give birth in peace line (almost 300 people) - Alliance of Midwifery
multidisciplinary connected the midwifery field. Influence e.g. the creation of the Concept of

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.