Not with you! - 2022 or Prevention of violence against people working in the sex business and mapping of their needs

Project facts

Project promoter:
BLISS without RISK(CZ)
Project Number:


In the project, we will focus on increasing the prevention and quality of support services provided to sex business people who are significantly at risk of gender-based violence and, due to the stigmatization of the sex business, have difficult access to services that could help them.
We will focus on increasing the competencies and awareness of professionals, providing relevant online information for people working in the sex business and contribute to their destigmatization of campaigns aimed at the general public. The project will create a new and modern web platform on which people at risk of gender-based violence in the sex business will receive relevant informations in the e-learning program and online counseling.

Summary of project results

The project focuses on a very vulnerable target group (TG) that is continuously threatened by
gender-based violence - women and men working in the sex industry. This stigmatized TG has long
faced public disinterest and condemnation, and daily encounters prejudices that fundamentally
undermine their dignity and safety. Non-stigmatising communication of needs of our TG to the
public requires a skilled approach and systematic and correct communication, avoiding
misinterpretation and hate speech.

Thanks to the implementation of the project, final beneficiary was able to disseminate and raise awareness in
the following three campaigns:
- Ensuring awareness of primary CS: final beneficiary launched an upgraded online counselling and e-learning
portal with a reach of 9000 visits ( and,
- destigmatisation of sex workers - we ran a campaign with 36 posts and a reach of 143,526 views,
- research on the needs of primary CS and dissemination of knowledge towards the professionals -
final beneficiary carried out 1 research and 1 conference for 80 participants.
The primary target group of the project is people working in the sex business.
Final beneficiary created a new website to inform about the organization''s activities and disseminate project
During the implementation we informed about the project through 4 information events.

Final beneficiary has gained the opportunity to share good practice in working with men as primary TG, creating
an information and advice platform
Final beneficiary has reached three main target groups to varying degrees:
1) sex workers at risk of gender-based violence, the platform received 9500 visits in the first months.
2) professionals working with primary TG - 80 professionals,
3) the general public (users of social networks), 143526 people were reached by the campaign.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.