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The project takes on new challenges in the world of the internet and social networks, where human rights merge with digital ones. The project’s goal is to reveal to what extent are i.e. ethnical or gender stereotypes used within persuasive, manipulative strategies on online social networks.
The project will raise awareness of the public about digital rights and the need to protect the vulnerable social groups in the digital space; create new standards of transparency within persuasive strategies in communication concerning digital (human) rights and develop methodical documents stating the applied outcomes of the analysis; engage the latest up-to-date technologies in approach to the analysis of the digital social networks to protect human rights; develop new educational materials (both as an educational programme for teachers at the university, as well as a training course for the police and judges).
Summary of project results
The project was focused on a topic that is not much explored in the Czech society and not given the attention it should have. The topic was threats to human rights in cyberspace. The project promoter mapped the environment of Czech Facebook groups with the intention of finding out to what extent hate speech against publicly active women and against ethnic groups occurs there. Two studies and websites on the issue were created. This will help the topic reach the general public and raise awareness of the issue.
First, research preparation was carried out and a methodology for data collection was developed on the basis of which the analysis could then take place. This was carried out using a software solution that enabled the mapping of up to 1.8 million Facebook posts in 17 different groups. Based on the data collected, the project promoter produced a document that serves at an awareness-raising level as a practical guide for victims of online hate attacks. The project promoter also organized four panel discussions where the issue was discussed. In addition, a university course was developed and piloted and a syllabus and presentations were developed and delivered to university students. Towards the end of the project, after gaining experience, three webinars were conducted where the knowledge gained was shared with police officers, judges and prosecutors, and a policy paper was also produced. In cooperation with the Norwegian project partner, a project website was created.
The project is of research and educational importance. The project mapped hate speech on social media, described its development and authors. Two studies describing hate attacks on social media in relation to gender and ethnicity and a guide for victims of hate attacks were produced. Documents include recommendations for victims of hate attacks and organizations that help them. They also focus on recommending systemic changes at the legislative level - the main contribution are concrete tools to protect human rights and raise awareness in the area of online communication and the issues of discrimination against women and ethnic groups.
Summary of bilateral results
The main result of the cooperation with the Norwegian partner - the organization Apenhet, was the creation of two web presentations of the project, which bring data and information, and contain processed studies, in an interesting graphic design. Due to the geographical distance, cooperation took place mainly online. Thanks to the cooperation with Apenhet, the project promoter had the opportunity to see the possibilities of visualizing the collected data and their graphic processing and presentation.