Center for Victims of Sexual Violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
proFem - center for victims of domestic and sexual violence, o.p.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Donor Project Partners:
Krise - og incestsenteret I Fredrikstad(NO)
Other Project Partners
The Borough of Prague 6(CZ)


Despite the alarming extent of the sexual violence in the Czech Republic, there is no functional support system to its victims, enough of specialized services, nor adequately trained specialists. According to the Council of Europe recommendations, there should be a network of specialised centers providing complex support to victims of sexual violence in each region. There is no such center in the Czech Republic so far (Gender Equality Strategy for the years 2021-2030).
The project will create a unique Center for victims of sexual violence (and victims of domestic violence and other forms of sexualized gender-based violence), which will provide them with a complex range of specialized services leading to adequate help and support. In the Center, victims could use social services, legal counselling, psychotherapy, special interrogation room and basic medical treatment (including collecting evidence). We will initiate and strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation and education of the helping professionals (especially in trauma-informed approach), which will reduce the risk of secondary victimisation and improve the interconnection of helping institutions. We will strive to connect the Center and its services to the system of financial support. To ensure the highest possible quality and efficiency of provided services, the Center will be evaluated and changed accordingly so the Center could be a good-practice inspiration for similar services. We will include awareness-raising activities aimed at the general public to detabuate this topic and educate on means of support. Timely and high-quality assistance provided in the Center will reduce the negative effects of trauma and stigmatization of victims. It will empower them and help them to exercise their rights. Thus the Centre will contribute to the quality of their lives.
The Borough of Prague 2 and Crisis and Incest Center in Fredrikstad (Norway) are cooperating on this project.

Summary of project results

In the Czech Republic, the prevalence of sexual violence remains high (58% of women have experienced some form of sexual violence or harassment); however, specialized comprehensive services for victims were entirely lacking. The key problem of the project related to the extensive reconstruction of the premises for the center was the necessity to conduct a public tender for construction works that led to a delay in the timeline for launching services and an increase in reconstruction costs.

Activities leading to the launch of services at the first comprehensive center for victims of sexual violence, PORT, were carried out: material conditions were ensured (reconstruction of the premises), methodologies for all services at PORT were developed, and its pilot operation was launched. This pilot phase was evaluated, and the evaluation outcomes were reflected in the services. Additionally, interdisciplinary cooperation with various institutions was strengthened on a bilateral level, and the Platform for Support to Victims of Sexual Violence was established, bringing together organizations dealing with this issue, and its meetings were held. An educational module for psychotherapists focused on sexual violence and trauma was developed and piloted. A public awareness campaign was conducted and the fundraising strategy developed. All these activities contribute to establishing an effective system of support for victims of sexual violence and eliminating existing barriers.

The project established the first comprehensive center for victims of sexual violence in the Czech Republic, including material, technical, methodological, and operational frameworks. PORT served 390 clients during its pilot phase, and evaluated provided services. An interdisciplinary platform, an educational module for therapists, and a fundraising strategy were created to ensure sustainability. PORT''s services and collaboration form an effective support system for victims. Sexual and gender-based violence arises from power imbalances between women and men, arising from the exercise of power and control, and further deepens these inequalities. Support provided primarily to women through PORT empowers them and helps reduce these inequalities. PORT offers specialized services tailored to victims'' needs, pilots these services, and shares findings for broader use.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the Norwegian organization Krise-og incestsenteret i Fredrikstad was crucial for the transfer of know-how and the setting up of efficient and high-quality services of the PORT center. The Norwegian partner provided expert consultations aimed at e.g. on the methodology of working with victims of sexual violence, group therapy and evaluation of services. One of the outputs of the cooperation was the training of proFem workers, which was attended by 8 Czech and 3 Norwegian experts, which provided practical knowledge of proven methods and helped to adapt services to the needs of victims, as well as sharing the know-how of proFem direct care workers with partners from Norway. Thanks to sharing the experience of the Norwegian partner, it was possible to effectively set up the center''s pilot operation and ensure that the services offered correspond to standards abroad. The project made it possible to establish deeper relations with the partner organization, thanks to which the foundations were laid for further possible cooperation beyond the scope of the mentioned project, for example in the framework of other future initiatives.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.