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The project aims to raise general awareness of human rights standards among state employees, legal professionals and general public based on the presumption that an experienced and qualified state administration will protect and improve human rights as well as prevent human rights violation. Furthermore, the project will enhance the available human rights information sources and educational materials.
The project will, inter alia, include the following main activities:
- Establish an integrated web portal on human rights in order to publish in one place information on international human rights obligations of the Czech Republic and the judgments of the ECtHR and decisions of other international human rights bodies. Information shall be thematically categorized, fully searchable so as to facilitate access to this essential information on human rights to legal experts such as judges, prosecutors, or experts working for state administration. The Project Promoter shall be assisted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) during the process of establishing the integrated web portal on human rights. The partnership collaboration shall facilitate the transfer of know-how and the sharing of experience and knowledge on the development and implementation of web tools between the FRA and the Project Promoter. Potential synergies between the project’s web portal and EU-wide web tools developed by FRA – including its Charterpedia and EU Fundamental Rights Information System – could be identified and exploited through the partnership cooperation,
- Develop an electronic compatibility manual to enable legislators and other actors to assess the compatibility of legislation proposals with international instruments and capacity building for the legislators and on how the manual shall be used in practice,
- Training and other educational activities provided by the Faculty of Law of the Charles University aimed primarily at the law students.
Summary of project results
The project has improved the situation in the area of public information on human rights. An integrated portal on human rights in the Czech language has been created, which can be used free of charge by all persons dealing with human rights issues. The biggest challenge, but also a benefit of the project, is the linking of several databases of human rights institutions into one place, so that visitors to the web portal can search several different databases through one query.
The main activities of the project were:
1. creation of a web portal on human rights - the result is an information system with up-to-date and relevant information.
2. creation of an electronic compatibility manual - the result is a tool for assessing the compatibility of proposed legislation with the Human Rights Charter.
3. human rights education - an activity provided by the partner Charles University, which resulted in the innovation of professional courses dealing with human rights, new study aids and trained people.
4. publicity - resulting in a final professional conference where networking and exchange of experiences took place as well as series of podcasts on human rights.
The main outputs are:
- web portal with linked databases of human rights institutions (3)
- thematic handbooks (20)
- compatibility manual
- innovated courses and study materials
- seminars implemented
- international conference held
- podcast series.
The project contributed to improving the human rights situation in the Czech Republic by raising awareness of international human rights law among the legal community. The newly created tools on the web portal have received positive feedback from representatives of the judiciary, lawyers and the state administration, which is a prerequisite for the tools to be used.