Air monitoring in the village of Lhotka

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipality Lhotka(CZ)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


Air quality has a significant impact on human health. Its long-term poor condition can lead to many types of cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, eczema and allergies. Modern technology now allows very easy, affordable, hyperlocal and long-term measurements of concentrations of many types of health hazardous substances such as fly dust, nitrogen oxides, sulphur or tropospheric ozone.

The subject of the project is the provision of local air quality measurements in the municipality of Lhotka, with an emphasis on the issue of household heating, which is the primary source of air pollution in the municipality of Lhotka. The project focuses on activity A - Acquisition and installation of air quality sensors for local monitoring, where PM1 and meteorological element measurements are allowed.

Summary of project results

The need for the implementation arose from a discussion with the local public. In the project we focused on determining the air quality in the village of Lhotka, identifying potential sources of pollution, so that measures could be taken to improve the air quality in the village of Lhotka. It was also the intention to ensure the transferability of the obtained knowledge to the territory of the following municipalities (municipality of Lochovice, municipality of Libomyšl) in cooperation with partner entities. The purpose of the project was to obtain relevant data: current and historical data on air quality and weather conditions in the territory of the municipality. The project will have a positive impact on the environment and will also serve as a reference for other municipalities of similar size.

The need for the implementation arose from a discussion with the local public. In the project we focused on determining the air quality in the village of Lhotka, identifying potential sources of pollution, so that measures could be taken to improve the air quality in the village of Lhotka. It was also the intention to ensure the transferability of the obtained knowledge to the territory of the following municipalities (municipality of Lochovice, municipality of Libomyšl) in cooperation with partner entities. The purpose of the project was to obtain relevant data: current and historical data on air quality and weather conditions in the territory of the municipality. The project will have a positive impact on the environment and will also serve as a reference for other municipalities of similar size.

The knowledge gained, supported by direct measurement, became the cornerstone for opening up the debate and ensuring local public awareness. The measured data confirm the impact of local heating and solid fuel combustion on air quality. Nationwide, the most problematic pollutants (PM and PAHs) are now almost the exclusive or dominant source of emissions. It is these sources that need to be targeted for further monitoring and, in particular, for the adoption of measures to improve air quality and represent the most effective measures in terms of cost/performance.

We evaluate the project as successful and beneficial, especially in terms of opening up further discussion related to air quality issues. The findings correctly describe the current state of the air in the municipality of Lhotka, including the identification of the originators - sources of pollution. Moreover, in the long term, it will be valuable reference data that will be the basis for describing the development of air quality in Lhotka.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.