TO DISCOVER AND PROTECT: Endangered worlds of water ecosystem and its biodiversity

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice(CZ)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NO)


The project themes identify current problems from the view of contemporary state of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity. The project responds to their insufficient media coverage and low awareness about them among the public. These topics stand in the centre of research of the selected FFPW USB laboratories and the Norwegian partner from the NMBU (1. Invasive species in freshwater ecosystems; 2. Fish migration and barriers on watercourses; 3. Importance of non-productive functions of fishpond; 4. Sustainable aquaculture). The aim of the project is to raise awareness of these selected topics and awaken an active approach and the ability to behave in an environmentally responsible way, namely with the realization of 4 informational and educational campaigns aimed at the general public (World Water Day, International Day of Fish Migration etc.), the specific groups of the public (articles, workshops) and pupils of elementary and secondary schools (seminars, lectures, junior´s and children´s university). At the professional level, the project aims to share information about innovative approaches to the protection of aquatic ecosystems and endangered species and broadening partnership between experts from the FFPW USB and their Norwegian partner through international meetings and workshops. Another activity of the project will be creating a set of outputs (short films, radio programs, popular science publications and other educational and information activities), which present topics rendered in the campaigns by genre varied, current and understandable way.

Summary of project results

In the field of protection of water-related plants and animals there is still room for improvement in Czechia. These delicate ecosystems, which include rivers, lakes, ponds, and many others, are home to a wide range of species. Many of these species must deal with consequences of water and air pollution, climate change and overexploitation of landscape. Protecting aquatic ecosystems is crucial for the future of our planet and all its inhabitants. We have therefore focused on current issues of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity. We focused on four areas: (1) invasive species in freshwater ecosystems; (2) fish migration and barriers on watercourses; (3) importance of non-productive functions of fishponds and (4) sustainable aquaculture. We succeeded to wake people''s active attitude and ability to behave in an environmentally responsible way. All this with the help of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, a project partner with whom we regularly shared experience and know-how.

In the project we carried out awareness campaigns aimed at the public on the occasions of town festivals, pond harvesting, World Water Day, International Fish Migration Day, etc. During the preparation and implementation of the project we saw it as crucial to involve mainly children in the awareness raising. Thanks to educational seminars, lectures, events for children and the publication of children’s storybook, we were able to reach primary and secondary school pupils. On a professional level, we deepened the partnership between experts from the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters at the University of South Bohemia and our Norwegian partner and we organised several workshops with international participation.  Another of our outputs was a set of short films, radio programmes and popular educational publications presenting topics portrayed in a genre-diverse, topical, and comprehensible way. We also produced a four-part podcast called FROVCAST, focusing on the topic of aquatic ecosystems. In all project activities, we emphasized how each of us can help.

Wemotivated the target groups to be more responsible in relation to protection of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity. In total, we’ve reached 14,171 people directly during events we organised and indirectly through leaflet campaigns, articles, etc. We also created a set of educational and promotional tools, four YouTube videos, a story book and materials that can be further used by teachers in schools.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the Norwegian partner has been positive. In particular, we have worked together on the topic of migratory fish species and barriers on rivers and sustainable fisheries. There has been an exchange of experience, with the Norwegian partner being an expert on salmon and the applicant on other migratory fish species such as sturgeon and eel. Thanks to the project, two international workshops were held with the partner, one with the partner in Norway and the other with the Norwegian partner in the Czech Republic. The cooperation with the partner will continue after the end of the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.