Together against draught and floods

Project facts

Project promoter:
Živá voda, z.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners


This project builds on a successful, currently running programme “Together against draught” which was funded by the Open Society Fund within the EEA and Norway Grants (Active Citizens Fund programme) in 2020. The objective of this project is to provide the public with information on the causes and manifestations of climate change, its mitigation and adaptation. It further aims to provide the public and municipalities with practical system tools that help them to initiate projects of landscape restoration and water retention in their area of interest/residence. The short documentary movie, the brochures, training and lectures, articles and social networks and membership in local networks will provide the general and the active public with tools and guidelines on how to take part in the solutions. The target groups are: the public, active citizens, representatives of local and state administration and regional political representatives. Professionals such as water management experts, landscape engineers, landscape architects will be involved in the training programme. The current project is a proof that such cooperation between professionals and active citizens is a major benefit for both sides and brings about many concrete water retention projects and initiatives around the country. There is a significant interest in our training programme. There will be an increase of followers and collaborators on the side of the beneficiary and the partner in their activities (water retention projects). There will be a further professionalization and stabilization of the team on the side of the beneficiary.

Summary of project results

One of the main issues in the Czech landscape is its lack of water retention capacity. This ability is often compromised due to disruptions in hydrological regime, exacerbated by soil compaction from heavy agricultural machinery. Chemical-intensive practices in agriculture make the situation worse in a lot of cases. Deforestation, inappropriate infrastructure, and wind erosion further contribute to the problem. As a result, climate change intensifies evaporation, exacerbating soil erosion and runoff during heavy rainfall. These factors escalate the landscape''s vulnerability to flash flooding, posing threats to farmland, settlements, and human life.

Our project, therefore, aims to empower citizens by enhancing their understanding of climate change causes, mitigation strategies, and adaptation options. We seek to leverage public interest to drive participation in local-level processes. By showing people the systematic, practical tools, we enabled individuals to initiate landscape restoration projects effectively. Additionally, we helped to break down barriers between individuals and landscape management systems. Ultimately, the project aims to catalyse the emergence of local initiatives that utilize acquired knowledge and networks to advocate for climate change adaptation measures within their communities.

In our project, we aimed to empower the general public by disseminating comprehensive information about the root causes and visible impacts of climate change, as well as offering strategies for both mitigation and adaptation. Our goal was to equip proactive citizens and local government officials with accessible and practical resources to kickstart landscape restoration initiatives within their respective communities. Leveraging a variety of channels including an engaging educational short film, informative publications, hands-on training sessions, insightful lectures, thought-provoking articles, active social media engagement, and collaborative involvement in local forums, we strived to provide individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to actively contribute to resolving environmental challenges.

We targeted a diverse array of stakeholders, including active citizens, municipal and government officials and general public, as well as professionals such as water managers, landscape engineers, and architects. By involving experts in our training sessions, we recognized the value of fostering collaboration between professionals and the active public, a synergy that proved beneficial in numerous regions across Czechia. This collaboration has yielded tangible outcomes, including the formulation and execution of various water retention initiatives. The overwhelming interest in training sessions underscores the relevance and importance of our efforts. Moreover, as project implementers, we have broadened our network of partners for future endeavours, thereby enhancing our capacity to effect meaningful change.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.