ECO Alphabet for climate

Project facts

Project promoter:
Recyklohraní, Public benefit society(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The aim is to share information about the causes of climate change for young generation, to present desirable ways of behaving in which we can mitigate the negative factors causing climate change. To show how climate change will affect the environment, health and living conditions of people in the Czech Republic and regions. And last but not least, to acquaint them with the principles of adaptation measures. The key target groups are teachers and pupils of kindergartens and primary schools and high school students.
9-part radio series with videos for children and youth about climate change (45 minutes)
Popular-educational publication for teachers, pupils and students. (3 000 prints + 2 000 e-copies) 
Popular educational articles (6 national/8 regional)
Workshops for teachers, pupils and students about climate change (min. 550 people)
Addressing professionals and the public at a conference for a minimum of 150 people
Campaign on FB and websites Recyklohraní (min. 10,000 people addressed) 

The strong point of the project is 3,700 schools actively involved in educational program Recyklohraní. Thanks to our experience, we will provide TG with balanced information in an understandable form taking into account the region where they live. The result will be the strengthening of critical thinking about climate change, and we believe in changing opinions of young generation. 
The partner of the project is The Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic – they will support cooperation with school founders, give us experts’ consultations and partnership for public conference.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.