Village Square Heřmanice

Project facts

Project promoter:
City of Ostrava(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Due to rapid urbanization and prioritizing industry and transport over the environmental aspects, the original public space has turned into an unofficial parking lot - a bare asphalt surface that contributes to overheating urban areas, increases the concentration of cars in the middle of a residential zone and reduces safety and space for public/community life. The aim is to improve the ecological (rainwater infiltration, planting of greenery, biodiversity) and social (public space supporting community life) sustainability of this place through a comprehensive transformation. Related strategic documents (links below): "Adaptation strategy of the statutory city of Ostrava to the impacts and risks arising from climate change", FajnOva strategic plan, our commitment to sustainable development "Agenda 21", "Mobilita Ostrava", Fajnový prostor (https: // fajnova .cz / project / fine space /).

The place has the potential to become a green relaxation area of ​​close residential areas, a venue for cultural events and a stop for tourists heading to the area, therefore the target group is the general public. The enlargement of the blue-green infrastructure will support the overall sustainability of Ostrava''s urban development, biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change in the city.

Our expectation from an international partnership is an exchange of know-how regarding participatory methods, which we are developing within this project and MA21, and inspiration in specific technical solutions for blue-green infrastructure. Our current inspiration from good practice is based mostly on  "Low Impact Development Manual for Michigan" ( and the Helsinki Maptionnaire (, providing the tool we used.

Summary of project results

The original public space in front of St. Mark''s Church in Heřmanice was an unofficial parking lot with a bare asphalt surface not allowing rainwater to soak, contributing to overheating urban areas, increasing the concentration of cars in the middle of a residential zone, and reducing safety and space for public/community life. The project implementation included the holistic revitalization of the public space in front of the church and the areas next to and behind it in order to holistically improve the whole ecological and social sustainability of the place and its surroundings. New trees, flower beds, a flower meadow, and other greenery were planted in the focus area. The original asphalt surface of the parking lot and the surrounding sidewalks have been replaced with material that allows rainwater to soak. Due to these implemented changes, we achieved all set mitigation/adaptation measures ergo shading of the space, reduction of dust and temperature in front of the church, an increase of biodiversity, better retention of water in the urban area, and prevention of contamination of the local water ecosystem. The project implementation brought citizens a new public space for community meetings of locals and a nice stop for visitors to local touristic attractions.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.