Monitoring and measurements to improve air quality in the city of Brno

Project facts

Project promoter:
Masaryk University(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
City of Oslo(NO)
Other Project Partners
The city of Brno(CZ)

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The subject of the project is a mobile measurement of air quality in the city of Brno for one year at 12 new locations (including laboratory tests) in order to obtain current and accurate data for calibration and dispersion model, which will be the basis for updating the Brno Air Quality Action Plan, including SEA processing. The statutory city of Brno is a typical urban (heavily urbanized) area, where air quality is a crucial point, and development priority. Brno, as the second-largest city in the Czech Republic, faces relatively high concentrations of pollutants in the air, especially in the winter. The project doubles the potential of measurement accuracy compared to the existing capacities of CHMI measuring stations. The project also brings a communication plan aimed at the general and professional public, which will enable targeted and more favourable presentation and communication of new measures within the Action Plan and scientific results from the analytical studies and calibration models. Brno, with its strong commuting links beyond the borders of the South Moravian Region, also represents a target population of over half a million inhabitants, whose quality of life will be positively affected by project results and their implementation through the Action Plan, with emphasis on high-risk age groups of children and the elderly. ) contributing to the improvement of public health. The added value of partnership cooperation lies primarily in the intensive cooperation of the academic, self-governing and commercial sectors in the design and implementation of a strategic document based on the latest scientific results and experience from domestic and foreign institutions.

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