Adaptation to climate change Broumov Region I - Climate change adaptation strategy for part of the Stěnava basin and Climate change adaptation strategy for basin of the Dunajka

Project facts

Project promoter:
For the development of the Broumov region(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is to create an adaptation strategy for the Broumov region. Considering the seriousness of the problem of climate change and its impacts, the municipalities of Žďár nad Metují, Police nad Metují, Broumov, Otovice, Martínkovice and Bukovice located in the Broumovsko Protected Landscape Area, have decided for a systematic and joint solution to their adaptation to climate change. Via the local NGO For the Development of the Broumov Region, they plan to develop adaptation strategies addressing two coherent areas, namely the river basins of the Stěnava brook and of the Dunajka stream.

Summary of project results

The impact of climate change is becoming increasingly evident in the Czech Republic. Urgent and systematic responses to its manifestations, such as extreme weather fluctuations, prolonged droughts, depletion of surface and underground water, and heatwaves, are imperative. Therefore, we have set a strategic goal to facilitate long-term successful adaptation to climate change at the regional level. The developed strategies will serve as a foundation for future territorial development planning. The specific objectives include:

  1. Restoring the fundamental water balance of the landscape.
  2. Enhancing water retention within the watershed.
  3. Implementing flood protection measures.
  4. Increasing the proportion of scattered greenery in the landscape.
  5. Strengthening erosion control measures.
  6. Promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
  7. Supporting biodiversity conservation efforts.
  8. Encouraging civic engagement and fostering communication with landowners and local authorities.

Two adaptation strategies for climate change have been formulated: the Adaptation Strategy for Climate Change in the Stěnava Basin and the Adaptation Strategy for Climate Change in the Dunajka Basin. These strategies are based on comprehensive background studies conducted using the Living Landscape Model. The result is a proposal outlining the optimal state of the landscape to enhance its resilience to climate change. By providing a clear vision for the future, these proposals improve the likelihood of effective remedial interventions being implemented in the respective areas.

The adaptation strategies offer a blueprint for the incremental enhancement of the landscape. They can facilitate obtaining consent from landowners, stimulate public discourse, inform territorial planning, and guide land management practices. By bolstering the landscape''s resilience to climate change-induced weather fluctuations, these strategies yield far-reaching benefits that extend to other sectors, notably agriculture and forestry. These include enhanced water retention, reduced erosion, and an increased proportion of organic matter in the soil, among others. Furthermore, promoting these strategies on social media platforms has heightened awareness among the region''s residents regarding the challenges of climate change and the imperative of landscape adaptation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.