Making adaptation strategy in Úštěk city

Project facts

Project promoter:
The city of Úštěk(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
The city of Hainichen(DE)


The aim of the project is to develop an adaptation strategy for the municipality of Úštěk. The project is supposed to aid with creating a safe, stable, inclusive and sustainable landscape. This is a proposal for a process which shall reduce the impact of climate change - it also contains ecosystem, education and economy-related measures.

Summary of project results

Our project aims to reduce the vulnerability of Úštěk and its surrounding areas to the impacts of climate change. Úštěcko, located outside major transportation routes, consists of 24 local districts, predominantly rural with low population density (39 inhabitants/km²) and challenges in providing civic amenities and infrastructure. With an aging population and an outflow of young qualified individuals, the area''s demographics are shifting. Despite its challenges, Úštěk boasts a rich historical and cultural heritage, with well-preserved monuments and a landscape characterized by small streams flowing from Český Středohoří.

Agriculture dominates the landscape, transitioning into forests in the northern part, with the central area featuring the Chmelař pond and the urban agglomeration of Úštěk. This diverse natural and cultural landscape offers significant recreational potential. Úštěcko is also an important area for nature and landscape conservation, hosting two Protected Landscape Areas and several Nature Reserves.

According to a questionnaire survey, the community identifies drought and water quality issues as primary concerns related to climate change, alongside agricultural challenges such as soil degradation and reduced yields. Extreme weather events like torrential rains, floods, and strong winds also pose significant risks.

When preparing the adaptation strategy, we collected data at an expert level in the form of research, field survey and using geographic information systems. We gave significant space to the citizens of Úštěk, who had the opportunity to present their attitudes to the mentioned issue through a questionnaire survey. Citizens could name the biggest problems and risks in specific places, or ideas on how to solve problems related to climate change. Specific problems are the starting point for the design part of the strategy. In May 2022, we organized a round table with farmers and foresters on the topic of climate change and related threats. Representatives of J.E. University also took part in the debate. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem. Based on the available data, information and suggestions from citizens, we prepared the analytical part of the adaptation strategy. Part of the analytical part is the evaluation of the main impacts and risks in individual areas. A set of expert map outputs was prepared for the area in question, which clearly describe the current state of the landscape and its likely development in the following years. With regard to individual threats, we evaluated their probability and the degree of vulnerability of Úštěk. Subsequently, we established the prioritization of threats. We presented and discussed the analytical part of the strategy at the AOPK ČR - Regional workplace of the Administration of the PLA České středohoří. The analytical part of the strategy was accepted without reservations. Based on the conclusions of the analytical part of the adaptation strategy, we prepared the design part. In the design part, we defined the priority areas of the Úštěk landscape adaptation strategy. For each of the areas, we subsequently defined a specific goal and a list of individual adaptation goals. Furthermore, we developed cards of adaptation measures, which represent a set of specific recommended procedures that will lead to the fulfillment of the adaptation goals of the strategy. In June 2023, the adaptation strategy was handed over in connection with the presentation of the final version of the city management strategy.

As part of the adaptation strategy, we have compiled a set of adaptation measure cards, each outlining specific recommended actions aimed at achieving the strategy''s adaptation objectives. A total of 14 cards have been developed, covering various aspects such as:

  1. Colorful landscape mosaic
  2. Integration of infrastructure into the landscape
  3. Revitalization of streams and floodplains
  4. Construction and maintenance of ponds and water reservoirs
  5. Rural road management
  6. Management of orchards, vineyards, and hops
  7. Tree care and afforestation initiatives
  8. Agricultural landscape management
  9. Establishment of landscape greenery and ecological corridors
  10. Rainwater management through green infrastructure
  11. Sustainable energy, resource, and waste management
  12. Decentralized water supply and wastewater treatment systems
  13. Educational and cultural events in rural areas
  14. Stakeholder engagement and collaboration

Additionally, we have created a series of 20 map outputs for the targeted area, detailing individual cadastral zones. These maps include a summary design map illustrating the treated area within the broader landscape context.

While we have not yet commenced the actual implementation due to time constraints, these outputs provide a comprehensive roadmap for specific projects aimed at reducing the city''s vulnerability to climate change impacts. The implementation plan also offers an overview of available financial resources for executing these measures.  An important part of the project was also cooperation with the city of Hainichen, our partner city.



Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.