Adaptation Strategy Dub nad Moravou

Project facts

Project promoter:
The town of Dub nad Moravou(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is to develop an adaptation strategy for the municipality of Dub na Moravou focused mainly on the issue of water in the landscape and in the municipality. Proposed strategy of adaptation will focus on restoration of landscape mosaic in the area. Necessary condition for this restoration is the solution of tense water balance of water courses Morávka, Ostřičná, Mlýnský potok and Steklá.

Summary of project results

In the face of climate change, preparing an adaptation strategy for Dub nad Moravou was essential. The region faces increasing risks from extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and heatwaves. By developing an adaptation strategy, the community can proactively address these challenges, safeguarding infrastructure, ecosystems, and the well-being of residents. It enables the implementation of measures to enhance water management, protect against natural disasters, and improve overall resilience to climate impacts. In short, the adaptation strategy is crucial for ensuring the sustainability and safety of Dub nad Moravou amidst a changing climate.

The primary objective of the project was to develop and gain approval for a climate change adaptation strategy in the Dub nad Moravou area and its immediate surroundings, along with an accompanying action plan. The project identified and recommended a series of adaptation measures for waterways, open landscapes, and urban areas. The project outcomes serve as the foundation for implementing adaptation measures aimed at enhancing water retention in the landscape, restoring ecosystem functions of river landscapes (such as flood and drought prevention, microclimate regulation, and water purification). Additionally, measures in urban areas will improve stormwater management and enhance resident well-being during hot seasons.

The implementation of the adaptation strategy will play a pivotal role in the town''s initiatives to enhance its natural environment and landscape within its jurisdiction, while also addressing challenges beyond its borders. This endeavor is part of a longstanding commitment by the municipality of Dub nad Moravou to enhance the condition of waterways and green spaces within and outside urban areas. However, until now, the town lacked a comprehensive toolset like the one provided by this project to effectively address these issues.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.