Adaptation Strategy for the Statutory City of Hradec Králové

Project facts

Project promoter:
The statutory city of Hradec Králové(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is to create an adaptation strategy for the city of Hradec Králové and reduce the negative impacts of climate change on local people.  In order to develop an effective adaptation strategy, it is necessary to carry out a risk analysis at the outset to identify the thermal islands in the statutory city and correlate them with socio-economic and demographic statistics, green status and other indicators. This risk analysis will be a fundamental basis for the creation of an effective adaptation strategy, which will include targeted measures to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the city and to increase the responsibility of SM Hradec Králové in terms of climate protection.

Summary of project results

At present, we can observe climate change worldwide, which is having an adverse effect on the environment. The city of Hradec Králové and its inhabitants are no exception. We also perceive increasingly significant fluctuations in temperatures and precipitation. Changes are also significantly affected by human activity, and therefore it is possible for us to positively influence these changes, mitigate their effects and reduce their negative impact on our lives. The main goal of our project was to create an adaptation strategy and adapt the city of Hradec Králové to the new natural conditions resulting from the changing climate. The strategy proposes partial activities for the common goal, which is to ensure a quality environment for the city''s inhabitants using appropriate gray, green and blue measures for adaptation to climate change.

As part of the project, we described the expected manifestations of climate change in our city and determined the main threats that arise for us. For example, the vulnerability analysis shows that the most vulnerable localities include the historic city center, which is sensitive to high temperatures and drought, or the housing estate in the Moravian Suburbs or Edvard Beneš Avenue. On the contrary, we have revealed only a low vulnerability of the city to flash floods, which is due to the relatively low terrain. We created a survey for the public, in which we addressed the topic of the city''s preparedness for climate change and the problems associated with it. In the strategy, we also described the activities for individual economic sectors, which are important for environmental protection in terms of adverse factors and specific endangered localities of the city. 

The proposed measures include, for example, support for the creation of community gardens in housing estates, revitalization of parks, regeneration of public spaces in the Moravské náměstí housing estate, support for green roofs and vertical greenery and more. For the purposes of presenting the outputs, we created a project website where it is possible to find all current information about the city''s adaptation to climate change.

We have managed to create a comprehensive strategic document that maps the current situation in detail and offers many suggestions for future planning. We expect that thanks to the implementation of the project, the city will be better prepared to deal with the effects of climate change.




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