Czech Norway Bridge to Democracy through real participation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Primary School CoLibri(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
The New School Foundation in Oslo(NO)
Other Project Partners
Primary school and Secondary School Donum Felix Ltd.(CZ)

More information


Democratic schools enable children and young people to experience democratic principles in their daily operation. Such schools make their pupils and students aware of their active societal role and teach them how to resolve conflicts and think critically. To support and develop this innovative concept of education, two Czech democratic schools and a Norwegian partner school joined forces in this project. Their employees will share their extensive experience with managing of and teaching in democratic and community schools and discuss examples of good practice in applying democratic principles in school assemblies or student projects. Furthermore, they will use the gained knowledge for collective work on curricula for teachers and youth. Finally, the project team will share the created materials with other interested schools.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to address the gaps in democratic education in the Czech Republic at both the management and pedagogical levels. It sought to support the functioning and establishment of democratic schools, which emerged as a response to the rigid school system that lacked space for creativity and innovation. The project also aimed to help teachers of free and democratic schools who often sought help and advice on defining their roles and responsibilities in the democratic education system.

The project organized regular meetings, peer learning visits with shadowing activities in partner schools, and shared know-how to create curricula for teachers who teach in democratic schools or want to apply democratic principles in other schools. It also created a set of 25 cards with practical tips on how to live democratic rules in everyday school life. The project developed long-lasting cooperation among partners and realized three workshops for teachers. The first output was created in the form of guidelines for teachers in democratic schools with studying and training materials.

The project achieved its goal of increasing the capacity of democratic education in the Czech Republic. The beneficiaries were teachers of free and democratic schools, who gained new skills and knowledge, and students, who were educated in a safer and well-prepared environment. The project also had a broader impact on the education system in the Czech Republic by raising awareness of free and democratic education.

Summary of bilateral results

The involvement of a Norwegian democratic school brings unique innovation to this project. We maintained contact with our partners through online meetings, networking, and joint work on overviews, peer learning, and shared experiences between Czech and Norwegian partners. These efforts, especially peer learning activities in both countries, strengthened relationships between teachers and institutions.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.