Teaching Generation of Snowflakes - New Methods and Challenges

Project facts

Project promoter:
Prague University of Economics and Business(CZ)
Project Number:
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Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NO)

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The project entitled "Teaching Snowflake Generation - New Methods and Challenges" is a joint project of two economics faculties, the Prague University of Economics and Business and NTNU University of Trondheim. It aims to adopt new teaching methods to the new generation and educate academic teachers in the needs of young students who come to universities to study. The project will develop cooperation between experts in economics and management and contribute to the creation of a new curriculum for a joint summer school course. The project team will prepare a publication of Proceedings from the Round table that discusses teaching the Generation of Snowflakes, and the curriculum, program, and study materials for an international summer school, which will be a joint project of both partners. The project will implement two peer-to-peer meetings of both partners and one seminar for the professional public in the Czech Republic. In the short term, the project will increase the knowledge and skills of academic staff/teachers (primary target group) and increase efficiency in teaching professional economics for students of the Generation of Snowflakes. The project''s long-term goal is to transfer knowledge between the academic staff of the participating universities and create a functional dialogue between the two partners with the possible overlap in professional research or mobility.

Summary of project results

Generation of Snowflakes are young people, who were born in the 1995-2010. This generation is completely different from the previous generations, because these people were already born with technologies in their hands. This generation of people is currently coming to the universities. As they are different that also means the asked for different things to their teachers.
This project was joined one-year project of two economic background faculties – one in Trondheim (NTNU, Norway) and one in Jindrichuv Hradec (VSE, Czech Republic). The main objective was to find out ways to get closer to the new generation and motivate them to achieve better results within the teaching process. The main questions were (1) What should professors address to be more successful in teaching? (2) How to motivate students (Snowflakes) to become successfull in life and studies? Project outputs were getting to know our new generation and better education methods for them. The intellectual outputs of the project were three (1) Proceedings from the Round Table and (2) the curriculum, program and (3) study materials for the future Summer School (joined project of both faculties). Also, other outputs were to start of new cooperation between two universities, potential possibility of future exchange (mobility) of students or teachers, as well as research cooperation.

Summary of bilateral results

This project would be not possible without international dialog and cooperation. We benefit from shared knowledge and discussion was fruitful. Many participants from different economic field were important for reaching the output. We learned from each other and also shared different views on the topic. For us was also important to see the Norwegian environment, different working style and rules of work. We gain new knowledge not only in the topic of Snowflake generation, but also in general academic discussion. Moreover, participants got to know each other, which is important for the possible future cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.